18o Me. Watfon's. Sermon Auguft r 9. Wicked men now think the Sabbaths long, when will the Sabbath be over ? they think a Sermon long, and think a Prayer long, but -ohhow long will it be to lie inHell for ever and ever after mil- lions ofyears their Torments areas far fromending as at the firft hour they began. Secondly, which is another aggravation of Hell torment, the damned in Hell have none to piety them, it is force comfort, Come cafe tohave our fi lends to piety us in our fiche&and want,' but they haven() friends.- Mercy will not piety them, mercy is turned into fury. Chrift will not piety them, he is nomore an ,Advocate for them. The Angels will not piety them : but they rejoyce when they fee the vengeance,they infultand glorywhen they lee the Juffice ofGod executedupon his enemies. 0 how fad is this to lye in the fcald- ing furnaceofGods wrath, and none to piety them l when they cry out Godwill laugh at them, 0 hear this all ye that go on in fin, it will be ill with thewicked: therefore turn from your fins,, leaft God tear you in.pieces as a Lyon, and there be none to help you. Nowfor Application. 0what anaffiighting word is this to all wicked men that go on derperately to fin, to add drunkenneffe to thirft never Inch an innundation ofwickednefs as now, men fin as ifthey would fpight God, and darehim to punifh them, men fin fogreedily aS if they were afraid Hell-Gates wouldbe (hut up ere they come thither. 0 how manfully do many fin, they go to Hell ftrongly in, their wickedneffe 0 thefe are in a fad condition : is it not fad at the hour of death, and at the dayof j udgernent, and after judgement with them ? wicked men live curled, and they dye damned. Sin- ners are the very mark that Godwill (hoot at, his (landing mark, and henever miffes this mark:youknow what the Scripture faith, therefhall be weeping, and there fhall be gnalhing ofteeth. And faith La- timer, that ispd fare where weeping is the firfi courfe, ane gnathing of teeth is the fecond courfe. 0.2e. Whence is it that there is thisgnafhing ofteeth. Anfw. Fit*, it doth arife from the extremity of torment the wicked fuller, they are not able to bear it, and know not how to avoid it. Secondly, the wicked gnath their teeth in Hell at the Godly to fee them in Heaven,them whom they perfecuted, and fcolfed,and jeered to fee them in Heaven and themfelves in Hell, they are mad