Mr. Wation's sermon, Aug. 19. z 81 tnad at it, T uk,13. 28. When they 111411fee Abraham If.tac and Jacob, and all the Prophets in the Kingdom ofGod, and they ;bemfelvesfhut out, they (hall path their Teeth at this. How may this amaze a wicked man, if all the curies in the Bible will make a man miferable, he (hail be made fo The Second fife is this. Take heed that none ofyou here,he found among the number of thewicked ; take heed of being of this Hack Regiment that wears the Devils c )lours, and fight under his banner ; the finner and the furnace (hall never be parted. Oh take heed ofthofe fins which will bringyou toHAI-fire. There are, faith Barnard, fieryfins, which bring men to hell fire. What are thole fiery Cis ? Why, thefire of malice, the fire of par- fion and the fire of lu[t and concupicence, and thefire of revenge, there fiery fins bringmen tofieryplagues, toHellfire. When you are tempted to any wickednefs, think with your felves, Oh how can I bear the fiercenefs ofGods wrath for ever ? how can I lye in the wineprels ofGods wrath for ever ? Oh take heed of thole fins that will bringjou into this place of Tor- Ment. I have read a story ofa Virgin, whobeing tempted by a young man to commit folly, faith the unto him,Grant me but onerequeff Iwill do what thoudefire(I ; what is that faith he,Dobut holdyour finger one hour in this burning candle, No, hewould not do that. Saith fhe will not youfor my fake holdyour finger an hour in the candle, and will you have myfiul lye burning in hell for ever. Thus the rebuked the Temptation. DothSatan temp thee to Wickednefs, hold out this Text as a fhield to theDi vel to quenchhis fiery Darts. Say thus; Oh Satan, do I embrace thy tenlptations, I'muff be under thy tormenting to all eternity. Oh therefore labour to be righteous, itj'hallhe'well witb the righteoufs. But take heed offin, itfhall be ill with the(inner. I will conclude all with that fayingofAuffin, When a manbath been vertuous his labour is gone but the pleafure remains : when a man bath been wicked thepleafure isgone, but thefling remains. Aa 3 Mr.Watfon's