Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

186 Mr. Lyes Firfi Sermon Auguft i 7. him beyourjervant. Even as the Son ofman came not to be rninifired unto, but to miniffer, and to give his Life a rantme for marry you have this alto Lsk 22. 25. And be Laid unto them, the .Kings ofthe Gentiles exercife Lordfhip over them, i.e. over their (laves' over their vallals; but y (hall not befo ; but he that if greateq among you, let him be as theyounger, and he that is chiefas he that dotb firve. Sure i. Paul be but a Brother to Philip, then he is no more, to Timothy. 2. If thehigheft Officers in the Church of Chrift be but bre- thren to the meaneff Saint ; then 'tis not for thole brettu en to Lord it over their fd14,n, Brethren, Lord it over Gods heritage ; re- member, 'tis Gods heritage. 1 11,:pe yc ur confciences will bear me witnefs that I have labJured as much as in me (yes to be a helper of your joy, not to Lord it over yourfaith, 2 Cora. 24. to prefs or cattle you to believe this or that, becaufe I believe it ; ifthi. be allow- ed, then may I turn Papi# to morrow. Saith thrift to him that would have h d him fpeak to his brother to divide the in- heritance with him, Man who made me a judge over you ? Luke 12. 14. So fay I, man who made thee a Tyrant,a Lord over thy fellow b ethren, a Pet.5. 5. Neither as being Lords over Gods Heritage,, &c. 3. Ifthe higheft Officers in the Church of Mill be but bre- thren, and nomore, then there thould be no difrord between thfe Brethren. Behold, how good and how pleafant it is for brethren to dwel together in unity .; and truely I may combo tally fpeak that, and 'cis one ofthe greateff comforts 1 have in theworld. I hope we have lived together in love, bleffed be God : let us not fall (Jut, faith Abraham the Elder, to Lot his younger Coufin, for we are brethren. Beloved the difcords between Pallor and peo- ple have made the bell mufick in the ears of the jefuits. 4. Are Pallors, nay, the higheft Officers that jells Chrifl bath, and doth own in the. Church, but brethren ? Ohl then let thole brethren if they will appear before the bar of their Father in Heaven with comfort, take careofoffending the Souls ofBrethren : for at the hand ofevery brother, God will require the Soul of his brother, Ex. 53. 6. His bloodwill .1 require at the Watch want hand., We that are called by,fume the Dogs of tbe.flock, what than we. prove. DumbDogs ? what a comfort will it be to mydying bre- thren this days ifthey can but fay, Lord we are clear from the blood