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188 Mr. Lyes Fir i Serino's, Aug. 7. name : never did Ihear three in this Congregation,fpeakofpref- fing any thing againft me,that was contrary to my confcience : nor can 1 fay, that thereare four in this Parifh that did ever deny to pay me my legal due,bleffedbe God for Inch a people,you have not encroached upon my Confcience,asI hope Ihave not upon yours. Paftors mutt love their people, doe not blame them, if their hearts be almoll broken, when they are to part with filch a people. 2. Muff the Pallor lovehis people: then, then the people muff love their Paffor. I: is true, it lyes in the power of man to feparate the Pallor and People, but not, to feparate their hearts : /trope there veil never be a feparation of love, but that will fill continue : it we doe not fee one another, yet we may love one another, and pray for on another: I hope a husband doth not ceale from loving his wife becaufe file is abfent from him. But oh ! for my bre- thren, hundreds of them think that you are undone, but you are not undone, though you cannot fee as far as other men, you may live love, and keep your confciences quiet. 3. Mutt Pallor s love their People then you fee from hence, what fhould be the grandobjet ofthe Pa(tors affeelion, i.e. tbiejyeop/e, not what the people have, this is great enquiry, what is 'the benefice worth ? whats the preferment ? do they pay well, &c. Whereas we fliould not reek lomuch the fleece as the flock, we thould not takeover-fight ()fa Congregation for love of th&rpaj,but oftheir Souls ; not, cis an excellent good Living, as one laid I have heard of, let me have their Tithes, and let their fouls go to the Dive!, but as the Apoffle, IPeek not yours, but jou, 2 Ger. 12. 14. And! hope there be many hundred can fay, it hath been the peoples fouls they have more loved and affeeted, then any thing that the people had. 4. Once rrore : we muff love them, and love them tenderly ; why, and yet leave them ? Yes my beloved, we are f to love our people, as to venter any thing for them, but our own damnation. I come not here to throw fire-brands, I blef's God I have a molt tender affeEtion for all my Brethren in the Miniliry, and though 1 am not fatisfied my felf, yet I condemn no man,' believe there be manyof them donsconfcientioufly fubfcribe as deny to fubfcribe.. I proteft in the fear of God Icannot fubfcribe, perhaps it is be- caufe /have not that light asothers have 5 for he that doubts,Caith the Apoftle, is damned, My beloved, I hope you would not have us fin againft God, and our confciences ; it is not my. Living that I defire, but my Office to ferve my Lord and Matter, but