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Mr. Lyesfecord germ?! Aug. 17. 19x providence ofGod bath committedgo his charge. 3. That the fixed/lane ing, fiourifhing and thriving of thatflockin the profeffionand prat iji of Golpel-knowledge and obedience, is matter of tranfiendent joy and trim temph fo filch agodly Pallor. The fourth, which is that I would now profecute, is this,Tbat it is thegrand and indifpenfible dutyofallfincere Saints, in the moll blackand fbakingfeafons, to fiand faiifxed, and ftedfaii in tbe I,ord. This is a grand thing St. Paul had to fay to the Philippians, when he was ready to have his head cut off; for fo it was, he wai beheaded for the4-eftimony of jefus :this is all he had to fay when iaa jayl, and in bonck,,and that under- Heathen Romans : you are now my-joy; you are nowmy Crown, oh ! do but ftand and my joy which is but two notes above Gamut, will get to Eia : oh I. do but hand and my Crown's ftudded with Diamonds: we live ifyou ftand, though we die when you hand. It is the great and indifioenfi- ble duty &c. Whether there are black and (hiking feafons I have nothing to fay, but I amwholly now upon your duty,beloved,and for Gods fake let the wordsof,a civilly dying Mini/ter prevail with you. There is a kind of a Maxim among Come, that in cafe a per- fon die feemingly, andrevive again, that the loft words that was heard of that perfon when in a rational temper, are the onely things that that perfon will remember when brought to life a- gain. It is molt probable beloved, what ever others may think, but in my opinion ( Godmay work wonders ) neither you nor I {hall ever fee the faces of, or have a word more to (peak to one a- nother till theday ofjudgement. Therefore I be leech you hear me, as thofe that would and may live with me to eternity : mark your duty, I have fpoken fomething concerning the Paitors duty in the morning, now for the peoples. his the indifPenfible duty of all fincere Saints to ftand fag, &c- I confeffe, I have a love for the whole Auditory, /have a Ines for them, but my Benjamin's meCs . is for thofe 1 once colleting own people : you are my Benjamns Iwifh /had a greater.than a fifth for you. This propofition 1 (hall z. Prove. And then 2. Improve. In the worm of times, in the molt thaking feafons; and if do not greatly mifiake, there is an hour of temptation threatned by God, now beginning to be infialecl if ever you would (tont], Rand now : andfor your comfort, lame but hint, that a Chrifti- an may hand comfortably, when he falls racily, that is, he may hand by God, whenle falls by Man.: I knew that a great , many years ago. Fiat, then 'tikout, duty haad. There be.Strakoares- mere then - enough