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192 Mr. Lies fecond Sermon Aug. 17 enough to. prove this to oeyour duty. Col. 15. 12. Stand perjeel andcompleat in all the will ' fGod, Phil. I. 27. Only let your converja- tion be as becommeth the Gofpel ofChrift, that whether I come and fee you (alas poor Paul, thou come and fee tilt in, thou waft beheaded before thou couldff come and lee them but) or elfe be abfent, I mayhear ofyour affairs, thatjeflandfait in one fpirit, with one mind Jtriving together ( not to pluck out one anothers throats, no more of that, but flriving together, not againfl one another, but ) for the faith gf the Gofpel. So 1 Cor. 15. 58. Therefore my brethren befled- atirnoVeable always abounding in the work the Lord, Prafrn°nob as youknow thatyour labour is not ;n vain in the Lord. 'Tis Our duty to liand, but. Secondly, wherein we mugfland ficdfaft11have no new doCtrine to preach now, I fhpll but /1 ,nd you of wtut I have for merly fpoken when you would n )t believe. I confeffe I do not begin to , be of a new judgement now :and ihdold I be continued in the Minitlry, (a mercy I can hard4 h, ape for) I fhould be of the fame judgement, and pr each this Doetr ine, ftandfaft. God will cc-tatily bring the people of God in England to his own terms, or elle fare them well tor et er. What's that we thould be fledialt in ? 1 would advire to a, fiedfafineffe. 1. Of Judgement. 2. To a ftedfaffnefs ofRefalution. 3. To a ftedfaffneffe ofFaith. 4. To a fledfafineffe ofConfiience. So ffand fait in the Lord in yourjudgement, in your Refidution, in your Faith, in your Conpience. a. I would adv ire to a fiedfaffneffe of judgement, orange do® arines are the greateft Fetters that do affitilt a found judgement they are likwaves ifthey do fplit, they will [hake the Ship to pur- pofe: therefore your way is, to cal} anchor well, to had firm on the rock oftruth, I had almoff laid all in a word, Froteffant truth: though the mar ket may rife fomew hat high,yet fland firmly there while flra, ge Dc&rines, like fo many impetuous waves-are beat- ing upon you, break themfelves in pieces they may, but if you ftand cannever hurt you. I am not now to begin to warn you a- gainft Papery. not that I have the leaf[ reflation on any thing in the world, but on theScriptures. I am al t to think, the wound of the Beall muff, be healed, however, donot you fpread,a plaifler for the Beall to heal his wound Be no more childrenitofTed to and fro, carried about-with every wind ofDo nine, with every wind of windy Dodrine 5 by theflight of men and cunning craflineli, that can cog the