-Nr..Lye$Iitood sermon Atiguiir 19 3 theDie, notable gamefiers thereare in the world, but you muff budReady in judgement, you Inuit be firm to your principles I would have you Stars, not Meteors, for Meteors are carried about with every Waft of wind, 1 hope better things of you, I {hall pray God would make 01i-fledfaft in judgement. Fiat he titre to get good principle, and Second'y be flare to Hand in there good Principles that you have got. And though I cannot fay but Ionic jai es are fown among this Parifh, yet 1 biers the Lord, for the ge- nerality, I hope I may fay, I have an Orthodox .Mini_ltry. 2. 'fis not enough to Hand in judgemeht, but we mull be fed- fait to our RefOlution, i Cor, 15. 58. Beftedfajt, unmoveable, filch as Nod firm on Come bats and foundation, that cloth not totter and flaggat : if they find you flaggering, to be lure the next moment they look upon you as falling. Be as they fay of one or both ofthe poles of the Heavens, though all the world turns, the poles are immoveable. Ifl miflake not, you may fee a great turn in the world, and behold at this day, the greateft turn that e, er was in England but yet you muff not move,you muff not fir, be true to your refolutions, be jult to your ft ft love, go on in the Lords wok, Ict nothing take you off if I have preached any falle Dos- rine among you,witneffe agairift me at the day ofJudgement: but ifthe things 1 have preached be true, Rand to the truth : ifyou do not witnefs againll my Doetrine, ( mine 'tis not ) but rather wit- neffe for it, remember ifyou, leave it, that very Do4rine will withefs againft you at the day of Judgement. Oh that excellent Hrroe, OLLeen Hefter, thus'and thus l will Lib, and if I perilh Ipe- r;fh. You cannot imagine againft how many thoufand temptations a ffedfaft refblution will guard you. 2 There's a itedfafinef's Faitirtoo ; when we fo believe, as i that we do not waver, or do nut hefitate. Will you give me leave to propofe to you ( my dear friends, though my Congregation I cannot call you ) that quettion which our Saviour did unto the Tows,. ( whom he hated though I love you ) she Baptifin of Um,' whence was it ? ifilea()en or 4'men. The doErrities have you heard, have they been fl oni Heaveth or from men ? Ahfwer ire, if frb men, abhor them ; man is a falfe creature, Man Would male [her- chandite of your faith and fouls; but it from Heaaen, why t'iltin ihould you not believe them ? I He the Lord, my c hicienet bears me witnefh I never did Co far propoie a D'Ocarine to ) oh, I would 'have you believe without Scriptu re. - If the -do&rines have beenpromGod, believe them, if n t, abhor them, and arty Of tlio',C that fhall dart to bring a dr)oe ine, but dare not bi ing the ahthoricy