Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

194 Mr. Iles feconcl Sermon Aug 17. authority of theScripture to warrant them, You may not be like thole in yam. i. 6. that waz!eetb like a wave of the Sea, driven with the rind and toffed. The molt godly man may humble in his way, 1. e, tread awry, but a waves ing, man is never Ceded concern- ing this way.Bleffed be God,I am not now on this day,(that looks likemy dying day as can be in the world ) to begin to fix upon a Religion, to fix upon my way, I knowmy way, if God will but keep my peps, and guide me in that way. If God be God, ( I ap- peal to your confciencesJ worship him ; ifBaal be God worship hina:do not fla nddifputing &doubting;do not fay,fhall (hall I? lithe ways you have found, be the ways of God, follow them;, God bath but one way to Heaven: there is but one earth ; if Baal be God, follow Baal, do not hand wavering do not confult with flefh and blood ; an infinite mercy that God will give any of Its to leaveRelations,Ehates,Congregations,any thing for Chrift: 'cis an infinite mercy We donot Cplit upon a Rock. Be lure to be either for Godor,itaa/ ? a godly man many times halts in his way, but never halts between two opinions. Stedpfinefs of Confluence. Indeed the f;en i,:s of my Miniftry hatia lain this way: and here I conld eality launch out, but I muff; be fhort. /would (peak a word in feafon to thole that are weak, it becomes you to be ftedfalt in confcience ; then have a God de creeing, a Chrift redeeming, a Spirit quickniug, a Gofpel pro- mifing, a Heaven prepared, a God infinitely more ready to Cave him, then he can poflibly be defirous*to be laved by him. Be fted- fact in confcience againft the guilt, the filth of fin, againft the temptations ofSaran. &c.Let us draw neer with full affitrance of faith, you can never believe Gods love fo much, as Gods love doth engage you to believe, &c. I might add 5. You rind be fledfaft in converfation,'tis not the running wet but the running out. ; 'tis not the fighting, but the conqueritsg that/ gives you title to the Reward : for you to give a great deal of milk: and to throw it down all at length with your foot, may ar- gue you tohave a gooddug, but a bad foot. Never give thofe beafts of Bah)lon occahion to fay that a man may be a child of God in the morning, and a child of the Devil at night ; that we con- tradi& that DUitrine by our converfation that we affert in our profeffion. But why mull we be iliedfaft Alas, why ? would you have me marflia I up 411 the Rea ions ? rue count the bars, or number the lands on the Sea - (bore.. There is not an attribute in. God,, not a precept promife or; threatning.