Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

x 96 Mr. LyesfecendSermon Aug. 17 him, and whatever thou halt Paid concerning him ; if hebe, then fland dole to him, in the mount he will be Peen, 21y. I would argue from saints ; the infinite advantage that at a long run (I do not fay prefently) will redom.d to thofe that are Ready in judgement, in refblution, in faith, in confcience, in con- lcience, in prailice, fo far as all there are c nformable to the word ofGod, and no further. The greatett advantage appears upon thefe four grounds. 1. What ever thou thinkefl, a heady condition is the falai con- dition. 2. The fulleff condition, 3. The flrongeft condition. 4. The freeli condition. Oh that I could beat this intomy heart, as well as 'tis in my head. Thepfejf condition in the rnidfl of dangers theMild con- dition in the midfl ofn,ants ; the fl-rong,eif condition= in the midi} ofaffaults and the freejt condition in the rnidit of (iraights. . pro-- fe.S in the pi e:ence ofGod, I have felt there things, and know them to be true many years ago. 1. it is thePfeff condition : never do the Saints take litirt,,but by declining, moving from their center while at their center the Divel cannot touch them, departing thence, is like the poor Bird fromher neft, every one hash a fling at them. Remember this, let but a man once leave his Scriptural flation,andwhat tempta- tion is he able to Rand againft : it is jolt like a man thrown down from the top ofan houfe no flopping till he come to thebottom. john 5, 18. He that is begotten ofGod keepeth himfelf, and the tricked anetottcheth him not, 2; It is the condition. Oh h my Brethren, Saints I ivinp fiedfaftly on their foundation, are continually fuppli-ed by God; as the fountain cloth continually ifine out it Pelf into theCtreams know 'tis belt livin upon a tingle God, Howmany thoufands be there yet living in England, that can tell you, they never enjoyed more ofGod, then when they enjoyed leaft of the Creature. Some bath profifled to me, their Prifon was to them as a Palace, that were troubled more with thefe things then ever you were, and the God of Heaven grant you never may. 3. 'Tis the jirongefi condition. A man that funds ftedfaft,/is like a man on a Rock, the waters come, they may clafh themselves in pieces, but never fhall be able to daih him in pieces, he is fixed on a Rock, and therefore ftands. A man that ftands fteady to his Scriptural principles, is like Sarnfbn with his Locksabout him, let ail