19 Mr.Lyesfecond sermon, Aug.1 7. yet to call them our Congregation) This I confers, 1 can rather weep then fpeak to 5 I cannot 'peak, my heart )s too big for my head here. Lord, is it the duty of people; of Saint, to Rand, to be fleadfail ? how then should we mourn over there proor fouls, that becaufe their pdars are taken away, mutt needs for ought we know fall, un'ers thou doll fit pport them ? What,I,ord, doll thou complain ofa flock ofSheep that at e scattered ? Ohl there's no wonder in it, their Shepheard is gone. Do you look on it as-a ftrange thing, to fee a poor t'llrip to be tolled here and there in the Sea, when their Pilot is deftroyed? why Mother, is it a ftrange thing for your children to fall, and knock their Arms, Leg,, their brains out? why, their Mother is taken from them: oh poor peo- ple; good God provide for this Congregation, I, and for this City, that (let defacing, abominable wretches fay what they will) is certainly one of the bell Cities God hash in the world; and therefore they hate it fo deftherately becattre God loves it, and becaufe they hate that God that loves it. /biers God, I can rpeak ofmy own people, they are not a mad peftiferous people, for the molt ofthem. Howmany thourand have their hearts at their mouths now at this time before God in England : alars,that we fhould ever have our Seers carried away from us : but what think you, when poor people ftiall be expoled to greater tempta- tions, to an Ulcer in the very Kidneys, to a plague in the very heart, or head: you now fear it, but when yon feel it, what then ? 2. By way of exhortation, beloved, /remember good Jacob, when he was come in Egypt, and ready todie, calls his brethren together, and before he dies blifeth his children. I cannot fay you are my children, but /can truly fay in the ftrength of God, you aredearer to me then the children of my own bowels. I remem- ber what poor Efita laid, haft thoubut one bleffing my Father ? Neff me., even me alto, oh myfather. Oh ! beloved; I have a few hidings for you, "have a fewwords of Exhortation for you; and for Gods fake take them as ifthey dropt frommy lips when dying,tis very probable we (hall never meet more while the day of judgement, what ever others think, I am utterly againft all irregular waies ; I have(/' biers the Lord)never had a hand in any change ofgovern- ment in all my life ; Jam for prayers, tears,quietnes, fubrniffion, and ineelinefs, and let God do his work, and that will be belt done when he loth it. Therefore be exhorted to Itand fall in the Lord: my own people, hear me now, thoughyou fhould never hear me moire, be exhorted to fiand WI in the Lord : You are not a rchif:. atical,