Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

wr. Lye's fecvnd sermon, Aquiti, r 7 4 199- matical, heretical people, I-do not know the leaft perfon among you enciinin to Popery therefore be exhorted, as ye have been a people that have waited upon the Ordinances ofGod, that have not perfecuted your poor Nlinifiers, that have made it your d-e- fian and bailuers to live lovingly, quietly, and as it becomes' Chriiiians, (I atnconfident a Minifter may Ewe as comfortably a. mong you, as ani,ing any people in England. So be ye CteadfaCt, unmoveable, alwaycs abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as you know that your labour (hall not be in vain in the Lord. Her e I had prepared / confers, feveral arguments to have movedyou to thi, ftedtaft,efs. I. I could have told you, that withdrawing of any one ofyou back, you w a( meet with great temptations which will very much unfit you for Heaven. Ifany manor women, draw back, my foal (faith God.)Thal[ haVe nopleaftire in him : I could have urgedyour with examples from the Heathens. Alexander being in India, bid them tell him the greateft rarity in their Country : Sir, go tell them fay they,when you come to Greece, there are many here that ca not be forced by the .prowefs of Alexander to change their minds: /know there are fQme here, that cannot be eafily per- fwaded to change their Religion. Saith Lanelantitts, our very wo. men torment their tormenters: I would never delire a more able dif- putant, then a women againft a Mona. 2. 1could tell you_of there enjoyments God hath put on you, our miler ies have been-great, but our mercies have been greater:: I could tell you offix troubles, andoffeven, of fix, wherein God hath ftood by, andoffever, wherein he bath not for faken : and: the truth i;, he cannot forfake his reople, he may for fake then: as for comfort, he will never forfake them, as forfapport a let .him lay, on a burden, he will be lure tortrengthen theback. 3. I hope tis not dangerous if I tell you, you are ingaged to God : there are vewes uponyou, Raptifinal vowes, to fay no more you have fworn to God, you have lifted up your h-ands yoti are thole that have undertaken that you would be true t..) God, to your lives end if there vowes have been any way ftrengthiled, Oh ! remember Zedekiah's care, Ez. 17. 18, 19 Seeing deOijed the Oath by breaking the Covenant (when log be had given Gil band)anct bath doneall theft- things,. be fhall not efcape : therefore thus faith the - LordGod, al live, fiirely mine Oath that he loath del-piled andmj Cove- nant that he bath broken,, even it will I recompenve upon his own bead. Remember it, you may play Taft and !Dole with man,you muft not- think ever to carry it away by, playing fact. andkofe with God' 4, Li'