.200 Mr. Lye sfecond Sermon Atig. 7 4. Ifyou thould not Rand, you loofe all you have wrought : alt your-prayers, tears, profellions praaiies, flifferings,, are all gone ifYon out at IA &T. you Rand by God,God bath orornited tofInnd w & the-truth is, I have but one God, 'cis no geeit matter f n- all the tyles i.l worens.Thec e be a thoufand DeVils.but,al th fe Devils are in one elaitnand the end ofthat chain is in the hand of one God oh I God will (hew himielfe ftrong. 2 Corn a. 6. 9. For the eyes of the Lord run to and f o through the whole earth, toJhew hintlelfe-ffrong in the behalfof thn4 wlhp heart is perfill towards him. nert. But what Asti I do to jiand ? Anfw. I. Ifever you would hand, ifever you would be firm. 'Handing Chriftians indeed, take heed you be not light and peen ni Chrillians a feather will never Rind againtl a whirlwind. Err and prophaners are moil at to breed in proud hearts. The proud and hlafPhemers are put together. ( 2 Tim. 2. 2.) Be rout Chriftians, that's the way to be handing ready Chriftians : ifever you wouldbe Ready in )nnir Rations, you Melt be low in your own eyes : do not you go and judge. And now we fhal I have a- nother kind of Religion come up, as we have had it a great while fitc1 a man cannot be an r °nett' man, alas he's a Presbyterian ' he's an Independant, he's an Anabaptift,&c. Now, all our great Mi- ne's will be, filch a roan cannot be good, an honeft man, for he cloth not conform. on the other fide he cannot be honeft for he cloth nct conforunThete are poor things, /biers God i lay not the flrefs of roy Salvation upon thee: tis true, I cannot in confei- ence conform, but I donot lay the firersof my falvation on it, as I did not lay th Eel; ofmy falvation on my being a Presbjterian ; Iconic& I am fin and have been, ie hath been my unhappinefs to be always on the finking fide, yet l lay not the ftreis of my fal, Nnition upon it. *I- is my coniCience, but it may be I have not co much light as another man, and I prOferi in the pretence of God, could I conformwithout fin to my own conicience I would, If I fhould do any thing againft my conic ence, lhould fin and break -my peace and confcience and all, awl never feegood day : donot then fi end the firength ofyour zeal for your Religion in cenfu- ring others. That man that is moil bufie in ceniuring others, is alwayste-aft imployed in examining himfelfe. Remember good John Bradfrrd, he wouldniot-cenCure Bonner nor Gardiner,but faith he, they called John Biadford the hypOcritical John Bradford, Szc, I do not (peak this, as though:I can, or did in conicience approe of theCe tnings, for which I mutt fuffer,, that I cannot approve.of them,