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mr.Lyesfecendgerman, Aug. 17. them,but to take off people from thole things that are In far from the foundation. Look you but to the main things, and look' but into your own hearts, examine thern,and thenyou need not be much perfivaded to lo. k about to others. 2. You muff take heed you be not loofe Chriflians ; will you remember one thing from me (theGod of Heaven grant you ne- ver live to fee it verified) a loofa Protegant, is one of the fittelt perfonc, in the world to make a ftriei Papiff. Tell me not ofhis Proteftantifm, being a Drunkard, 'tis becaufe his King, or Coun- trey are Proteflants where they live. There's no Religion in a loofe liver : ifungodlinefs be in the heart, 'tis no difficult thing for errour toget into the heart. A Toole heart can bell comply with loore principles: fee, ifthey will not be of'any Religion in the world that's tippermoft ; let the Turks prevail, they would loon be ofhis Religion. 3. Take heedofreing worldly Chriftians ; Ohl this is theDavid that bath thin his Ten thouCands. A worldly heart will be bought and fold upon every turn to lerve the Devils turn. Come to a worldly heart and but promife him thirtypieces offilver he will be.: try his Saviour. The temptations of the world are great upon us at this time, you that are Husbands and Parents, know it ; the world is a great temptation, but ifwe he overcome by the world, and the world not overcome by ri,,vve fhall never beable to over- come any one temptation that is offered to us. Therefore that's an admirable firpport, In the worldyouAar have tribulation, but be orgood cheer, 1 have overcome the world: I have overcome the world ; and likewile 1 have overcome the world in you. Oh Lord, ifthou wilt but overcome the love and the fear of the world if thou wilt but arm us again( the fmiles of the world, then come what will, we (hall (land ftedfall. 4. Take heed you be not hypocritical Chriffians i. e. take heed you do not receive the truth,and only receive the truth; and not receive the truth in the love of that truth, 2 Tbef3. io. You have received the truth, but have you received the truth in the love of that truth which you have received : wane of thi,, b. that darn- occafion to Popo) : And with all deceivailrnefi of unrikhtetru nets. in them that perifh, becatefe' they received not 'thellove..Yhe truth, that they might b: ° ,raved, andfir this caufe Godlba!I_few' them fir07Z7., de.. birwns, that theyfhottlei believe a lye, that they all might be damned, who believed not the truth. 'Tis jitft with God they fhatild 'fall i to errours, w hole hearts did never love real truths, better never re- ceive the, truth cheat() s ceive it, and not itethe love of D d 'Take