202 Mr.Lyesfecond sermon Aug.i Take heed of being venturous' and God-tempting Chrigians what's that ! when dot tempt God I tempt G-d-when I do run into a Pefthoufe, and fay, God will preferveme from the plague. Take heed of running upon temptations to fin, whether it be in principles or in praaiee. I could tell you oftwo fpiritual Peg-houles in England if I had time : for principles one, and for prat-lice another : I do not fay that I mean Play boufes on the one hand, or Mart Inures on the other hand. Certainly bre- thren , I read of jean, that wicked bloody Apoftate, that he funk into that his Apoilacy ft, by going to hear Lihanius preach, miftake me not, I amnot againft your hearing the Mini - tiers ofChi ift, for a man may be a true Minifter, though he be a Lad man : all the world can never arifwer the inftance of Judas, who was a true Minifter, though a bad man,while 'plead for the .truthofhi/ Miniftry, I do not fpread a skirt over the trickednefs of bin Life.The Scribes and Pharifees fit in Moles chair,hear them. But that which I mainly aime at, is this, do not you go, and run and venture your (elves upon temptations:you have heard of afuperfli- ti us or Idolatrwworthip, you have amonths mind to fee this, and what if fo be when you are found inSatans way, Satan would lay his paw on you, and claim to you, what do you there inSatan's ground. Would you be found when you come to die in a play houfe, or in (itch a place where the true God is Idolatroufly worfhip- ped ? 'tis a great truth, ifyou would not be found in the Divers power, do not be found in the Divil's pound. Brethren, we muff know, Satan is bufie enough to tempt us,we need not go to tempt him. Eve loft all that (he had by hearing one Sermon., but 'twas from the Devil. Therefore, ifyou would not have your p ckets pickt, donot trade amongft Cheaters, 2 rim. 6. 3 5. If any man teach otherwife,ikc. (then that ye have received, and preached) fromfuch withdraw thyfelf; that's a good, honeft, laudable fepara- tion, from 'itch withdrawthyPelf. 6. Where God doth not find a mouth tofpeak, do not you findan ear to hear, nor any heart to believe, (praymind it, this I am cure is of concernmen t)this is one of the grand points in myCards or corn- pals, on which I hope I fhall venture all. Ifany man come with a Datrine not according to the wordof God let him carry it whe- ther hewill, what have I to do with it? either you come from God or no, ifyou do, thew me his word, and I'le believe it, A not, open your pack where you pleafe, &c. where God cloth finde a mouth to fpeak, where you have nota precept, promife threatnMg or example in the word ofGod, let them talk their hearts out 'tis nothing to nie, to my Religion, tomy Salvation. ObjeV