Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

tAfr. Lye's fecund sermon, Auguil. '7. 20 Objefl. But what grant have you for this ? Anixv. jefuit. I will tell you my ground : this is mygreat hold I have againft Popery, could they convince me this, that Ime be- lieve with an implicite faith betraufe they fay it, I think it would not be long before I =71'd Papift. ueft. But why nAllt I not believe it with an implicite faith. Anf. Lock you into there three great Scriptures, Mat. 15. a. Why. do thy di.kiples traugreli the traditions e the Elders ? TheJews comeand tell (Thrift, he was not a trueSon oftheChurch of the Jews, he was diCobedient to the Church ofthe Jews; why ? thou Haft difciples that walk not as they ought ; what do they do ? they commit an unpardonable fin, they tranfgrefs the traditions ofthe Elders, they break one of the greateft Commandments : what's that traditio;, ? 7hey wafh not their hands when they eat bread: This was the great fin, and they charge it on him, eat with unwathed hands : why, why bring in you this tradition ? what have you to fay to it ? that to the purpofe,prove Jeftts Ch' that there is any thing in the word of God that isagainft walhing? But prove you out of the word ofGod where they are boundto wafh before they eat ? if you wil give out your impofition, make out your infticution.; and let me tell you, you talk of tradition, but firft you let up an Alter God never thought of, and fecondly you pull down Gods Alter, why do you all tranigreP the Commandement of God byyeur traditi®n ?for Gad canimandeddsying,Honour thy Father and thy Mother, and he that curfeth Father or Mother, let him die thedeath, but yefay, whofiever IhaN lay to his Father or Mother, it is agift by whatla- ever thou mighteff beprofitedhy me, andHonour notyour Father or Mo- ther, he (hall be free ; thus haveye made the commandment ofGodof none effeei byyouttradirion : yet Hypocrites, yot I were told of it lon,g ago, well did Efdras prophefe it.fyou, fayi7, This people drarreth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoured) me with their lips, lout their heart is farfromme. They draw neer, wall their ha,,d,,wafh their cups, and have filthy fouls, they honour me with their Lips, c. But though theft principle, their heart is bad, their worfbip is good, is it not lo ? no, In vain they do worfhip me, teaching for drarines the commandfluents (fmen . So then, my Brethren, remember, all chafe that teach for d. Urines the precepts (fmen, in vain do they worlhip0ol. Here's an innocent command, not againft the word of God ; but. D d 2