204. Mr. Lyesferehd sermon Aug. 17 but this command, you muff Po* beforeyou eat, ifyou do not wafff, you do tranfgreffe the tradition of the Elders but let younaive Father and Mother, if yougive but to the Church, to a Nunnery, frier', &c. 'tis all one, to that all thofe that will for Doarines to co the traditions of men, will render the Commandments of God of nrne effea, in rain do they worfhip me._ Look therefore wile ever Godcloth not find a tongue to fpeak, do not you find an ear to hear, nor an heart to believe. Chriftians if you expe& Cbrifis benethaion, always call aloud for Chri(is inffitution, fo Col.2: 18, 19. one of the greateft fleps you have againft Popery, Let no man beguileyou ofjour reward in a voluntary humility, and werfhiping of Angel r, intruding into thofe things which he loath notfe en,vainlypuft up by his fiefhly mind&c. Dent. 12. 32. What thingsJoever I command you, obfcrve to do it, thou (halt not add thereto, nor diminifh from it. There re no Wens in the body ofGods precepts, therefol e none of them to be cut off. You mull not deal with Gods Ordinances, as that Tyrant Procnjtes did with men, ifthey were too long for his bed, he would cut them fhorter, if too{port, he would pull their Simms out of joint tomake them longer. Never think your fel ves in confcience bound to lend an ear to that which God cloth not find a mouth to freak. 7. Would you Rand fait, beware of fhaking Doarines : what are thole ? there are a great many offilch Dab ines that are flaking; give me leave to inftance in three or four. I. As you love your foul s,bercare ofall Dollrines that tend to, and preach op licenciottfneffe, loofeneffe, andprofancife. Should any tell you you may lawfully violate and prophane the Sabbath, do not be- lieve it ; the doarine of the Gofpel, is a dottrine of Godlineffe, it teaches us to deny ungodlineffe and worldly lulls, and to live toberly, rig,loteoully, and godly in this prefent world therefore ifyou find any cloarine at any time, that fhouldhave the lealt tendency to en- courage you in any fin, know 'tis a doctrine againft the Gofpel. 2.. Wherever you find anydear ine that fhall tend to the liftingup ofa mans free will, and debaling ofGod's free grace, know, 'cis a wick- eddoarine, and againft the genious of theGofpel, perhaps the !spills will tell you, you are alive, Paul tells you we are dead. They fay that we cando any thing, many things that we talk to the world we cmnot do ; they fay that we can five our felves,and clofe withChrift ifwe will, whereas the Apoille tells you, rCor. 14.0 e natural man receiveth not the things ofthe fpirit ofGod, for they are feolif_hneffe unto him, neither can he know them, becaufe they are Ipiritually chicaned: It.may be they will tell you anatural man may love