Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Mr. Lyess fecond sermon Aug. 17. !ewe Godwith his heart really as fa, and ravingly, whereas the ikpoftle tells you, Rom. 8. 7 . The carnal ni.:nd is enmity againji God, f4; it is notfithjea unto the Law of God, neither indeed canbe.Retnem- tier it, in all thole do6trines wherein we do agree with thole whom we call Pelagians, and their brood the Armirtians, fo far we agree with the jejnits, and the worft ofPapiffs. :5As you would avoid Hell, ovoid all thrift doeirines that would' lift up felf.righteGuinefel anddebate the rig,hteoulneffe of Chrift ; I fear I than never be in that capacity that I would, to find you in ftead in this particular. I conferee I am agamft forty thin;s in Popery, but nay whole foul is here engaged; if that doetrine be a truth, I never expe& 131vat.on by God: either /mutt be Chrift, alone, or elfe I muff not be laved by Chrift at all : though Chrift will never lave me without lanftification, yet Chrift never inten.- ded my lanaifi ation fhould merit his fat vation.Be as holy as you can, as if there were no Gofpel to lave a yet when you areas holy as you can, you mutt believe in Chrift, as if therewere no Law at all to condemn you. Come and tell me of the merit ofSaints,&c. w ill believe that truth when I believe the Whore ofBabylon to be Chrifts Spoilie, fee Phil. 3.4. 2 Cor. 5.21. 8. Why Ihouldyou [land?you muji be praying ChrifHsns : I con- feree when moll of my ftrings are broken, there is yet one holds there is a fpirit of prayer ( re ) ember iltheifi) among the Saints of God Ican pray yet?and i had rather nand againft the t.anons of the wicked, then agai tt the prayers et the righteous. 0 i l pray thatyou enter not into temptation, or, if we enter into ternr)tation, Lord, let not the temptation enter into us, pray, if poflinle, let th;.r cuppairfromme, but ifnot, let it not poifon me, but let me. be bettered by it, and in due time deliver me from it. /believe it would be a great temptation to you, if it fhould be laid to you you thould trade with no man any more, &c. you have enjoyed theCe and thefe comforts, bid them adieu for ever, you 111111 have no more to do with them,this would be a Temptation. Tempta- tions and Tryals are great, andcertainly where they are fo,p ray- er Ihould be ftrong. "'here's no relief to be expetted on earth, all our relief is to oe expected from God,and that's to be obtain- ed by prayer. Pray that God would be pleated above-all things in the world to make you &were be fiedfaft in your profit fion, you mutt befineere inyour prallife. Ta bim that bathPoll be givezz that's a comfort, to him that bath but truthoigrace, to him thall be given growth ofgrace. 20 9 Would