2O6 Mr. Lyesfecond sermos, Aug. 17. 9. Would you be Ready Chriflians, then male ityour great work to attend the Ordinances that God bath prefcrilWci to make-.gnu /lead, Chriltians : you were told ofthis many years ago, concerning .t- tending the Ordinances of God. melt. Pray what are thole AnJw. i. There are fecret Ordinances. It may be thou eat& not` be fo much in thePulpit as thou wouldit ; oh ! be more in thy Clofet; it may be thou (halt not have fo many oppo, tunities, to hear fo many i caul es be mar e confciencious in thy meditati- ons in fecret, it may be thou limit not have that freedom with God in publick, be more car nett with God in private. 2. Mindyour Families more then ever : you have your children and fervants call aloud upt n you. How many grave faces do I fee at this time, e'at can tell me Sir, I remember tome twenty or thirty years ago, you could no pals the fireets e was one family repeating the word of God, another praying to God ano- ther conferring concerning the things of God, at thattime we had nottomany fool ifh abfUrd excurfion, into fireets and fields as now. Oh ! for the Lords fakebegin to take them up now ; let the Amcritel Perefite and Irbufitc do what they wit ; but oh !, for you and your children, and your fervants, do you ferve the Lord ; up again with thole godly exercifes; when we cannot hear a Sermon, then read a Sermon, ifwe cannot hear a Sermon well preach'd, cur godly parents would engage us to read Sermons well pen'd ; if nothing new, let the word repeated and mediated call tomind what you have heard, oh ! reduce your felves to your e hrillian frame Let the debauched Atheigs know, that they have Come- thing among you to Le feared, that's your prayer, : let them know that tho: gh you have not thole opportun ties you have had yet you will in prove thole you have. And you Mailers of this parifh, for G d's fake keep in your fervants on this-day more then ever, you are tobe accountable for their fouls ; and they will give you a dim:land thanks when they come to age, efpecial- ly at the day of jud;enient 5 oh ! then, bleed be God /had filch a Mailer, blefied be God 1 had filch a Miftrifs, blefled be God I had loch Parents. Oueft But then for publike 0, dinances, what would you have us do? .Anfw. 1. Wherever Chrifc doth find a tongue to fpeak, I am bound -zo find an ear to hear, and 41-4 heart tobelieve. I would not be mill en, /hie& the Lord l amnot turned out ofmy Miniity for being a Sobilinatick 5 /know Schifm is a fin, nor know .1 any of