Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Mr. Lye's fecond Sermon Aug. 17. 207 °filly Brethren that are I ; do not m flake us therefore, do not go and tel! theTraits and Schifinatick, for we are none : But this I would advice, (1 fpeak as dough / were dying) do whatfoever lies in your power, to hear filch whom you think to begodly : beg of God, be carnet with him that he would give Paftors after his own heart, andwhomGod bath ferit : not Inch as may daub with untempered morter,&not fedi as may prophelie lyes in the name of the Lord;not luck as may be clouds without water; but m,y be guidesoldie blind, burning and fhining lights, faithful tewards. What (hail you do what did you do twenty or thirty years agoiw hat did thegood old Puritans do,theywere not Schij- rnaticks, But as much as lies in you poffible, hear th mwhom in your confcience you judge Goddoth hear : then expe& the word of God thould come to your hearts, when you have ground to believe that it comes from your Paftors heart : I muff confefs, I intend to do the fame, when put into the fame condition with you: Iacknowledg, I am bound in confcience to hear the word of God, but / mull take care whom 1 heat : hear th9fe by whom God (peaks, I hope God will grant feveral inch. Take but this advice more, and I have no more to fay.Whatever abufeyoufindeither inPagor or people,or whereveryournd it,do not you go asyour old life bath been, to rail, backbite, andJpeakbehind their backs, this is wicked and ungodly : but do every one according as Godprefc ibes us that are members ofany vitible Church: what's that Ify ou know any thing againft your bcorher do not go and make a f..titter anda noife,and backite,but rake the rule of Chria If thy brother will trefpafi againft thee, go and t ell him of hisfault be- tween him and thee alone, if he (hall hear thee, thou haft gained thy brother, but ifhe will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more,, and if he ttelel7 to hear them, tell it to the Church, and leave the blood at their door, thou haft freed thy own foul, I hope by Gods grace /than do lb. - Thus I have now fpoken fornething from this Scrip- ture I cannot fpeak what I defire: for betides the exhautting of my fpirits, there is fomthing to be doneafter, viz. a Funeral Ser- mon : I (hall fay no more, but only this, the God of Heaven be pleafect to make you mind their plain things: I can truly fay this, lhave not fpoken °le word that /remember, which I would Not have laid toyou ill had been juft a dying, and being gone to God as loon as gone out ofthe Pulpit, and the God ofpeace be with you: only mind that one thing, WhenGod doth not find a tongue to fpeak, do not you find. an ear to hear, and an heart to believe. Mr. lkledes