Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

IQ Mr. Cahimy's Sermon, brought the-Churchof Corinth into a great diftres, inComuch as the Apottie faith, For this eagle many amongyou arelick, andmany weak, and many fallen *ell. o. Take heed of loathiv the Manna ofyour fouls : this brought the children of Ifrael into wadmifery, that God deltroyedall their carkafles in the wilherners fave jollma and Caleb. Take heed of fighting the Golpel : this brought Qheen Marks ferfectition, as many learned and godly men, that fled for Religi- ons take out of the Land, have conlefied their unthankfulnefs for, and unfruitfulneis under the,Golpel in King Edward the fixths time, brought the per fecution in teenMarie, time. ff. Take heed of iofing your firft Love : that makes God threa- ten to take away hisCandleftick. Take heed of prophaning the Chrifian Sabbath, which is much prophaned every where; a day that Chrift by his Hefurre6tion from the dead hath confecrated, to be kept holy to God : Certainly if theJews were fo feverely punifhed from breaking the Sabbath,which was let apart in memory ofthe Creation, furelyGod will feverely, punifh thole that break the Sabbath, let apart in memory ofChrifts R.6rrreEtion. May be fome will fay, I have committed many of thee fins, but am not brought into any ftrait. Remember it was nine moneths after David had'umbered the people, before he was in this ftrait : but as lure as God is in Heaven, fin will bring (traits fooner or later ; though a firmer a hundred years, yet (hail he be accurfed : may be thy profperity makes way for thy damnation : and this is thy greateft diftrefs, that thou goeft on in finne and profperity. Vfe 3. If fin bringeth a Nation into marvellous labyrinths, learn what great cattle we have to fear that God fhould bring this Nati- on into great diftres, becaule of the'great abominations are corn- - mitted in the midft of it : Our King and Soveraign was in great ftrait in the dayes of his banifhment, but God hath deliveredhim : God hath delivered this Nation out of great [traits ; but alas we requite Godevil for good, and inftead ofrepenting ofold fins; we commit new fins. I am told there are newOaths invented, Oaths not fit to be named in any place, much lets here: Certainly, the drunkennefs and adultery, theoppreflion and injuftice, the bribe- ' ry and Sabbath-breaking, the vain and wicked fweal ingand for- fwearing, this Nation is guiltyof; muft of neceility. provoke God, to fay of us as he did ofthem in Jeremiah 15.29. Shall Inot vifitfor thefe things faith the Lord? (hail not My foul be avenged on foci a Nation as this God wilt not onely punith us, but be.avenged on