Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Mr. Aledes SERMON. 1 Cor. t. 3. Grace be untoyou, and peacefromGod the Father, and from our 1 ord yefits Chriff . yOa will wonder, poflibly, that I fhould pitch on the A- potties Salutation, for my Valedi lion, ani make that theConclulion ofmy Preaching, which he made the be- ginning of his Writing, and the etore I have made a double I lea for it. /find that this was a formof Blain peculiar to this Apo- The both in the beginning and endofthisEpittle, for ; as there is fcarce'y one Epift e but begins with it, fo many end with it I ike- w i fe: as in Eph. 9. telt. The gram of our Lord Iefus Chriff be with your fpirit, So in the 2 of the Therfaloniant the laft verfedthe laft chap- ter, Thegrace ofour LordChrift be withyou all. So that I finding the Apoftle to tile it frequently, at the beginning andend ofhis wri- ing, I thought as 1 made it the matter of my prayer for you in thebeginning, fo I might make it my farewell to you in the end- ing ; and therefore Grace be untoyote, andpeacefromGod our Father, andfrom our Lord 7efits Clorill. Befides this, as Jacob laid to his Benjamin concernamg his Veni- fon, when his Father asked him, b av he found itpi quickly ? he an- (ivered, hecaufe the Lord thy G',dbrought it to me : The fame 1 may fay ofthis Sel ipture, for confidering of what fubjeft 1 fhould freak in my laft labours hereamong you, this Scripture came to my thoughts, and opening the Book, came immediately to my light, and therefore I may fay God brought it to me : Which 1 no I ioner looked upon, but methinks 1 law the ApoillO)nMount Ge- rifim, and his mouth tilled with blefling, for what greater bleilim4 can a manwail, then that which comprehends all bleilings, and that isgrace and peace. Being the' efore now to part, I thought to goto the top of theMount, and leave with you grace and peace from God our Father, andfram our Lord 7efits Cbrifl. In which words there are twogenerals. i. A doubleWellingdefired. 2. A double Spring difcovered. I. A double biding defired : and,,eigt 'is, Grace and Peace Grace is ofall bleffings the richeft, Peace is of all comforts the fw ertelt