Mr. Medes's sermoto 309 tweete : boh thefe the Apofile begs for the Corinthians, and fo do I for You. Beloved, Grace be unto jou, and peace from God our Father, andfromour Lord Tilts Chrifi. 2. Here is a double fountain difcovered: and that is the Father and the Son`: GodandChrilt. The Father is called the God of Grace; the Son is called the Prince ofPeace, not that grace is from the Father without Peace, nor Peace from theSon without grace, but both grace and peace are fromGod the Father through the LordChrillt. The Order ofthe words isworth nothing, Grace be toJou and Peace: Firftgirace, then peace; for there can be nopeace without grace, nor grace but there will be peace : but there can be no true peace but fr omGod, nor from God but as he is a Father,not fi sum God as a Father, but as our Father, and he cannot, be laid tobe our Father, but through our Lord jefusChrift ; and there- fore he faith, Grace be unto you, and Peace from God our Father, through our Lordplus c brill : both are manifefted as a golden Chain linked together, not grace without peace, nor peace without grace, i)lit both conjoyned together, to cram the believers foul with grace and peace. Now from the Order of the words we might ri c feveral obfervations. a. That peace is the fruit ofgrace. a. That Grace<ild Peace are both from God. 3; That Love which is the firing ofGrace and Peace, is from God as a Father. 4. That we (hare not inhis Love,but onely as he is our Father, All is ftom propriety, Fit It, Our Father, then Graceand Peaee fromGod our Father. 5. That God is oor Father onely through chria. But before we draw any thing from the Text by way of obrer- vation, we will fpeak to the terms by way ofexplication. Grace be toyou : What is here meant by Grace? This is a fweet wold, it perfumes the breath, it cherifhes the e nfcieuce, it warms the heart, it ravilhes the Soul, as the Splice was ray jibed with the rays ofChrifis glory, fo Chrift revives the-foul with one of his Gracious rays, difcovered to the heart ; ace is rue life of the foul, thou art dead 01 Grace quickens thee, ehoei art loll ti:l Grace finds thee, undone till Grace fives thee ; Glace is the Ai 117'. na of Angel', the fpir itual Bread which thole that ar e hely in be- ing are nom ilhed with, and lublift by 5 Angels l,ve on Glace, and flared by Grace; Man that fhares in the Grace of God, is made fellow Communiors with Afige:s: eats ,Lo gels feood, and fhal es in