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,2.11 qtr. Medes's sermon:. and Eternity ) andyet hewifhed no more to them then God pro- rnifed to give them, i Tim. 4. 8, For godlineffe bath the prom (e of this life) and thai which is to.come, krace be untoyou andpeace, &c. not one.w :tin tit the other : though a man may have grace without peace, as in time ofdirertionor temptation, and a man may hat e peace without grace, as in a fore and unregenerate condition: grace Without peace is often found in a troubled code ienca, and peace without grace is often found in a feared conIcience:as g ace without peace is very uncomfortable, fo peace without. gi ace. is very uri-,rofiiable : like Rachel, beautiful, but barren : the:efore theApoille detirei ye fhould have both grace and peace : and we fay the Sun and Salt are the moll !ireful creatures in the world, theone for alining, the other for feat-titling. (My B': ethren) grace andpeace are the Chriftians Sun and Salt, grace is ihe light of their foul and peace is the favour of their comforts ; grace fhines throughall their faculties, and peace lea Ions all their mer- cies. The bleflings ofUod are become-as twins, as Chrift laid of the Spoufe, Cant. 4.2. She is like aflockof _Pep that are even which came upfrom the wafhing, whereofevery one bear twins, and none is barren among them ; grace and peace here are knit togerhe by the fiairit ofGod in a facred knot not to be untied : As Cajtor and Pollux, when Peen together portend happinefie to the Mariner : fo when grace and pe ce are found in a foul together, they por- tend the higheft fecurity and biding to the Believer : they are laid in Scripture to be bound together,where God gives theone he never denyes the other. Ifhe gives you the upper (-Ting of grace, he will give you the other fpringofpeace, for they goe both together./fhegives you the dewofHeaven,you neednot que. fi ion the fatneffe ofthe Earth. !finis right hand be full of mercy, his left hand (hall not beempty. Therefo-e GraceandPeace be with us fromGod our Father, andfrom our Lord jefits Cbrig. Grace h ,s a double fence, either for the grace of God to us, that juftifies w, or thegrace ofGod in-ns that fanaifies us: Now there is a diftant peace flowing from each of thefe, but hill its grace anal peace. juflifying grace has a peace attending that, Rom. 5. i. B2ing juitified byfaith, webavepeace with God. So far as we have confi- dence in jullifying grace, there remains no "confcience of con- demning fin : as there can be no bitterer war, than between confeience and the cure, fo there can be:no fweeter peace, then when mercy and peace meet together, and when confcience and leeace_kjfieth each other : The former is the raft of Heaven, the latter