illy. Medes's Sermaii. 213 latter is the perambulation ofHeaven,"both which the Believers (hares in upon his juffificati n by faith-ifChrift had peace, who was madeaain. fin, needs int& the Believer hAre peace, who is mad: the righteou file& ofG ,d in him. Secondly, fan&ifying grace has a peace attending it, and this peace differs from the former, as the root from the fruit. The peace of lutlification is a radical peace, the root of peace ; but the peace of lanEtification is the bud, the t;lofrom ofthe tree: the for- mer flowes from the blood of Chrift sprinkled on the confcience; the latter from the conformity-that is between the Word and the Will, between the Commands and the Conicience ; As many as walkaccordingt6, this rule, Grace be unto them and peace. Gal. 6. i 6 So that peace is the fruit offanaifyin a grace. Now as the blond of the Paical Lamb ( which was a token of i ease) was not to be fir uck on the polls of the E.a.yptiafly, but upon the poll.; of the Ili a- lit es Co neither i- the blond of fprinkling which brings perfeet peace, to be Ruck on the polls ofthe carnal finner,but one the poft of the true Believer, an liralite ,udeed in whom there is no guile; no grace, no peace, that is Gods Law.How can a (inner have peace in a hate of fin, when Cod and ConfcieaCe, when Word and Con- fcience, when Law and Confcience, and all the attributes of God e againft the limier ?Nopeacefaith my Gad to the wicked.Pray mark that chapter* begins with the pea_ e, an ends in no ieace. In ver. 2 its laid, be (haft enter into peace, that is, the Lighteous in the laft verfe, there is nopeace to the wicked. It's the flare of grace that's the onely hate ofpea,e.And thus I i afs from the double grace de- filed, grace and peace to the double Fountain difcovered, God our Father, and (aur Lord Jefus Chr lit. But here's a queflion to be anfwered : IfGrace and peace_be front God the Father, then how is it failto befromChriff and, iffrom Chrift, bow then from God the Father ? vinfw Its a known rule, that the tranfient, external works of God are attributed to All the three Perfans in the Trinity; the fan e works that are attributed to the Father, are alto attributed to the Son ; and the fame works attributed to the Son, the fame alio to the Father, lo grace and peace are here afcribed both to God the Father, and to.our Lord jefus chriff, that is, they are both from mercy,and frommerit. Frommercy on Gods part to us, from merits on Chrifts part for us, they are from God the Fatherlbeeitife hewills them to us, from God the San,becaufe he works them in us:they, are fromGod toChilli., fromChriff to us : they are from God the Father °ri- tually