Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

214. Mr. Medes's Sermon. ginally, andFrom Chrift derivatively,and to us aet ually: God the Father is the fountain ofal l grace and peace, Chrifi as Mediator is the Conduit of al I grace and peace, Man in Union to Chrift, is the Ciftern into which thefe ftreanis ofgrace and peace runs;God wills grace and peace to us, and Chrift works them in us, God gives grace and peace to be ar,prehended to the Creature, this is from the love ofthe Father, but the application of this peace to the foul, is frorn'the merit of Chrift the Redeemer : Thus you fee there's a double C. ring of th's double bleffing. Time will not ferve me further. The onely Obfervation, That all thegraceand peace which believers fharein, is deri- ved from God the rather through our Lord Jefils Chrift : thefe three things opened: will clear this : Firft, that grace and peace are the Belevers priviledge. Secondly, that the fountain of this grace and peace is from God the Father .Thirdly, that it is not given out from God the Father, but through Chrift. Firff, that grace and peace are the Saints priviledge ; ifgrace is, then peace is. Butgrace is the priviledge of every Believer, and that whether you look upon it as taken from the Love and Favour of God to us ; this is thebelievers priviledge. God can as well forget Chrifi at his right hand, as ceafe his Love and Fa- vour to the IOWofa Believer the believers tit'e to all their blef- arifes out of this never-failing love ofGod : or it you take grace for the fruit ofGods love tothe foul, Rill it falls to the be- !levels priv fledge : Vocation, juffification, Adoption, prudence of fin, purging from fins, ftrength againft fin, Holinefs , Love, Faith, Obedience, Perfeverance, all thefe are the priviledeesof every believer, naya mancannot be a believer without any one ofthem; they are as effential tothe being ofa Chriffian, as reafon to the being ofa man. Secondly, as grace, fa peace is the Believers priviledge : there is peace Eternal peace Supernal, peace iliternal, and peace E- ternal: there is peace ex ternal, this is peace with Men, there is peace Supernal, that is peace with God, there is peace internal, that is f ease with Confcience : all thefe threeare to be had upon Earth, and then there's "peace Eterna ',and that is onely tobe had in Heaven. The Apoftle here cloth not exclude the former, but chiefly intends the latter : peace, with man is a good thing to be defired, bile peace with God and Conlcience is much more tobe aiefired. Peace with GOd is the fpring of all things both within and Without, both below and above, both in time and eternity lb lays y,b, if be giv.s peace, who then can make trouble ? Now this peace