Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Mr. Medees -sermon® , 211 5 peace is the Saints priviledge. It is a Legacy left to every. Belie- ver by the Taft Will and Teflament of a dying Redeerner.Will you fee a copy ofhis Will, then look in 1.1m 14. 27.Peace I leavewith you, my peace Igive unto you not as the world giveth, give. I unto, you. ,Tlicre >s it feems a peace in the worlds power to give, and there's a peace ofairift bellowing. NowChrift would have us here not to miflake the worlds peace for his, for the difference is very great ; for fii ft the worlds peace is a falfe peace, it is a counter- feit coyn, it han't the currant ftamp of Heaven on it ; but the peace that Chrift gives t..> a Believer, is true peace, and perk& peace, Thou wilt keep in perfe41peace whOle mind isjiayed on thee. Secondly, the worlds peace is an outward peace, it is but skin .deep, it wets the mouth,. cannot wash the heart : rrov. 14.13. In laughter the heart is forrewfull, and the end of the mirth is heavinerr. The worlds peace is but the (hell of peace, their Confcience low- ers when their confcience laughs ; But the peace that Chrift gives is an inward and spiritual peace. Pfli. 4.7. Thou haft put gladnere in my heart, more then in the time that their corn and their wine.encreafed ; [Thou halfputgladneffe in my heart ;J Peace is that gladneff4 or peace fmooths thebrow: but this fills the breall: as the (inner 11:s trouble within in the midit of all his peace with- out, fo a believer has peace within, in the midfl of all his trou- bleswithout :Iretheworldyoufhalihavetrouble, but in me you frail. havepeace. Thirdly, the worldspeace has onely a neather fpring arifing out of thecreature, out of worldly comforts, therefore. it mutt needs be unclean : for an unclean fountain cannot bring forth. clean water : But the peace ofChriftians has an upper Cpring) flows from the manifeflation of the love of God in Chrilf, its from,the fprinklingofChrifts blood on the Con/ciente, it flows upon.. the workingsofChriffs fpirit upon the foul, which is Grit a Counceilor, then .a Comforter : Oh how puremuff this peace be in a believers foul, that flowsfrom fo pure a Spring ? Fourthly, the worlds peace is a peacegiven to (inners it is a. peace in fin, and its a peacewith fin, as the Prophet /faiik tells us, Its a Covenant with hell, and an argument with Death, (GOd deli- ver us from that peace. ) Again, Chrifis peace is given tonone but believers, its their priviledge onely, a Stranger don't in- termeddle with his joy, Prov. 24. 10. The heart knoweth bix own. bitternefi, but alfranger dotb not inter-meddle with his joy. Fifthly,the worlds peace is a fading,dying,tranfttory th ng,it withers in tliefand.- The