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216 Iffr. Medes'sSao/. The triumphing of the wicked is butihort, and the joy of the f-Noerite but for a mlment. Job 20.5. Solomon does elegantly liken it to the cracking ofThorns under apoi, which is but a blaze and is gone. Eccl. 7. 6.So is the Sinners peace, it is for a qirt, and is loon gone,aut the peace that Chr ift gives to believers, is durable and atbiding peace : Your joy no man (hall take from you: it appears in Life in Death, and after Death : Firft, its our peace in life, grace brings forth prefent peace. Its laid of thePrimitive Chrittia ,s, They waik ed ire fear ofthe Lord, and in the Comfort r ofthe HoyGho(f Ads 9. 3r. Its a remarkable estpreffion, PJalrn 19, t i. In keeping thy commands there is great reward, lie don't fay, for keeping thern,w hich refpeetS the end of the work, but in keeping of them which looks at the work it felfe : (MyBrethren)every duty done in fincerity refieEts a peace in con tCience, a every flower carrys its own fweetneffe: its poflible, /grant a Believer may not always find and feel this peace, few do, fixate feldorn Sc d it, few find it Co always, the re- mains ofcorruption breaking Col th to interrupt, or temptations to hinder, and Gods difeetion rnae darken and hide it,' and a Be- liever may feem tobe totally loft, yet in this condition, which is the worft a child of God can ire in, he eath a doublepeaca. Firft, a peace in the prornires in this very condition, and what you have in Bonds and Bills you account as ood as money in your pockets. Secondly, he has it in the reed, Light isBorn for the righteous, and gladnere for the upright inheart, Plal: 97. i e. Grace t tile feed of peace, which earitt has fown in the furrows of the fhul,and there orepeace Beall fprin:aout of the furrows of the ford : indeed this feed fprings up looney in Ionic then in others,yet every Saint (hall have a reaping timegoner or later, Pfal. 126 6. He that goethforth and weepeth, bearingpreciouslied, gistl douhtleffe come again with Tejo cing, bringinghis 'heaves with him: If he flays long for the fruit, he (hall have a greater crop at !aft, ifhe reaps not now, he fhall be lure to reap her ether. Kai'. 37. 37. Markthe perfect man, and behold the upright, for the endof that man is peace. Secondly, by this peace which is thepeace of a Child of God, its a peace ofdeath, grace will thinifter to us then, and that miniliration (hall be peace : The Sinners peace leaves him when he comes to the grave : though in life it iils him, yet in death It leaves him. A Believer has a two. fold Bring ofpeace, the fie ft is from above him, theother i front' within laim : Tht fpring that runs with peace above him,is from the blond of Chrill, fprinkledon his Conlcience : the other that is from within him, is from the fincerity of his heart, in the wayi of ohedien-ce.- My brethren, when we lie on orir deatla beds, and .can