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Mr. Medes's Sermon,. 217 can rdie& on our fincerity in all Gods ways, this will be peace at 'aft, fo it was in Hezekiah Ifaiah 38. 3. Remember non', 0 Lord &leech thee, bon, Iwaked before thee in truth, and with a perfelf heart, andhave done that which was done in thyfight. There's nothing makes a death-bed fo hard and fo uneafie, as a life fpent in the fervice of fin and lull, and nothing makes a death-bed fo plea- fant, as a life fpent in the fervice of Chrift. Grace will bring forth peace, if not in this life ; yet, Thirdly, it will be fore after death : iftime-brings not this fruit to rirenefre, yet Eternity (hail; grace in time, will be glory in Eternity ; Holineffe now, will be happineffe then : whatever it is a man Cows in this world, that he reaps in the next world : Be not deceived, God is not mock, ed, for whatfoeur a Minfowetb, that fhall he alfo reap : He that fbrpeth to the PP, fhall ofthe flefh reap corruption; but he thatfonnth to theIN- rit, fhall of theJpir it reap life everlaffing,Gal. 6. 7,1. When Sin (hall end in furrow and miCery: Grace fhall end in peace, in joy, in glory : FVell done thou good and faithfull fervant, enter into the joy of thy Maffer, Mat. 25. 2 r . Whoever (bares in the grace ofChrift in this world,lhall be lure to (hare with the joy ofChrift in the next world, and thatjoy is joy unlpeakable, and full ofglory. I will wind up all in a three-fold application, by way of exhortation to three forts of i.-erfons. Fiat, to filch as have this grace and peace. Secondly, to fuck as have this grace and no peace. Thirdly, to Inch as have neither gracenor peace. Firff, To filch as have both grace and peace : ("peak to them in two or three things. Fiat, admire thankfully the Fa- ther and the Son. the Fathers Grace and the Sons Love, for both had a hand in this, therefore bleffe both the Father for willing it to us , and the Son for working it in us Grace a,,dPeace are the fruits of Gods e ernal Eleecion, for this blefling the Father gives but the Application of it, to us is the fruit of thrifts Redemption and Interceflion : How can you think of Hell and Da., nation, and fee your ref heed from it ? Andhow can you think of tlio, dreadful Fury and Ven- geance of God, your felfnot under it,? How can you look on your flue changed, your hearts renewed, Grace ratified and reconciled, and your Confcience quieted ?. How can you think of theCe things, but ninft admire the love of the Fa- ther in giving this to you, and the love of the Son in put- f chafing