218 Mr. Medes Sermon. chafing this for you? All the grace andmercy that is given to us, is by Chrift purchafed for us ; Grace and Peace are fruits of the redeeming Mood of Chrift purchaled. Secondly,Do not envy the Conditions or Poffeffions of the men of the world ; they have Riches, and Honours, Profits, and plea- lures, but they neither have Grace or Peace, therefore do not envy their happineffe. There is a ftory ofa Roman that was con deemed by the Court-Mai-final to die for breaking his rank to fteal a bunch of grapes ; and as he was going to his Execution, his fel- low Souldiers laughed at him, and others envyed at him that he fhoulei have grapes and they none : Now ( lays he) do not envy me for my bunch ofgrapes, for you would be loath to have them at the rate ! mutt pay for then. (My Brethren) you that are the Children of grace and peace, don't envy at the men of the world, at their Riches, their Comforts, their Pleafures ; for f am lure you would be loth to have them at the price they pay for them, for the end of there things are death. Thirdly, Don't complain ofthe worit condition that the pro- vidence ofGod (hall caft you into; in this world it may be you fhall fuffer hard things, but remember, folong as thyCoul is le- cure, never complain of hard things. (My Brethren) As God your Father brought you into a {tate of grace and peace, and thereby fecured his love to your fouls in Chrift, can you coin- : plain of hard things ? So let the joy of theLord beyour itrength; Fejuce in the Lord always, andagain Ifay rejoyce. Phil. The fecond Life is to filth as have neither grace nor Peace:May not fay,11fpeak to many filch? I would I might not?Are there not many that are without Grace, and therefore mutt needs be with- out peace ? They may have the worlds peace, but they have none of this peace ; let me beg ofyou to get out of tlisgriceleffe con- dition : ifyou love your fouls, do'nt live one day,not one hour, nor ene moment longer in a graceleffe (late. Oh that you would believe thewords of a dying man, for In I am to you, and filch words ufe to be remernbred. Oh remember this as a tellimony I leave with you, that the love offin, and lackof Grace will run anddentoy every foul at 'aft: But youwill fay, HAa, Pall. I get a Pare in thisgraceawlpeace. I anfwer, Firft break offall your falfe peace, we can neverhave truepeace with God,when we content our {elves with falfe peace you will never leek that peace which Chrift bath purchtafed for you while youcontentyour feives with that curled peace which the