Mr. Medes SerNon. 219 the Old man has wrought in you : Oh therefore break off all false peace, which is not the f uic of Grace. Secondly, Labour to fee and be convinced of the rniierable ' and of the naked condition your Souls be in for want oithe righteoufacfs of Chrift for a covering, without this foul thou art milerable, wretched, poor and naked ; be convinced alO what a miferable thing it is to have God our coemy God is the Sinners enemy ; it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of'the living God : Oh be convinced of rh,i nakednels, vvirhout Chrifts ghteou' hers, and thy eniptiners without his fulti:Is. Thirdly, Labour to go out of yotir felves to Chrifi for grace and peace ; Purely in the Lord shall one fay, I have righteouffiefs and firengch, I there it's to be found. Labour for a thirty frame of Soul, for the promYes run far to fuch, that he the hungry with good things. Go to atilt foul, begg, pray, never leave God till he bathgiven thee an intereft in Chrifi, for none can come to me except thefather draw him ; there is no pardon for the Ina fin out of Chrift, but there is pardon for the oreateft fin in Chrift, one fin will damn the foul out of Chrift, but no fin can hurt the foul in Chrift. Oh go to Chrift fOul, never give red to thy eyes nor flumber to thy lids, till thou haft made, peace with God in the blood of Chrift, one fling of the fiery Serpent was mortal, without looking upon the brazen Serpent. So one fin will damn a foul out ofChriff, but no fin can damn a foul in (brill.. Thirdly, To fuch as have grace, but no fenfe of peace, this is the counfel I would leave with all fuch. Be much in the exercife of grace frame much, believe much, ufe grace much for the exercif: and im- proving of grace will produce peace : There are ten dutics which are to be the fphere of grace in a6tivity, and in performing of them, we (hall have peace ; Firft, make Religion your bufinefS, the main de- figne of your lives, be Chrifiians to purpote, be not onely Chriflians by the bie,but let your converfation be as becometh the Gofpel ofChrift, Phil. 1.27. Secondly, put forth renewed Aels of. Faith on Chrift every day and remember it's as much your duty to believe in Chrift to day, as ifyou had never believed before. 0 live by faith every' ddi and this will bring peace to you. Thirdly , Maintain a conliant communion with God daily thiscommunion with God is mans chief good; the happinels cif. ', a childe is in communicn with his Father, and the hap.; pinefs of a Wife is in communion with her Husband, and his is the happinefsof a Believers foul, communion with God the Father F f 2 -- though