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Mr. Medes's Sermon. 2 i thy peace will be fweet, though thy fufferings be never foereat. But you will fay, How {hall I know when I am called to differ ? ranfveer. ' Firff, when Truth defiers by our filence. then are we called to fuffer. Secondly, when our lives will be the denyal ofChrift, then are we called to deny or lives for Chrift. Thirdly,w hen fin and fuffering furrounds us that we cannot get out, but we muff either run through fin or fufferings, then I may fafely conclude that (Thrift called me to fffer, and in this caule we may expe& the peace and fweetneffe ofhis pretence. Thirdly, the thirddireetion for differing is this, our fpirit mutt be meek, fo was Chrift, he went as a Lamb to the (laughter. Its p( flible a man may be right in his caufe, and yet finful in hs carrige : and if fo, no wonder if Chria be not fweet to us. To be fierce and raging, and reviling in differing, its not becoming humanity, and therefore much lefs like Chriftianity. A Chriftian fhould be like Chrift, Aets 5.41. And they departed from the pre- tence of the Council, rejoycing that they mere counted worthy to Juffer (name for his Name. It becomes thole that are found in the fpi- rit, to give bleffing for curling : the more of Chrift fpirit is in us in our fufferings, themore comfort and joy we (hall receive fromour fufferings. Fourthly, fee that your end in fuftering be right, ifit be Pelf, or fingular, or fchifm, then Chrift cannot be fweet to thee, fome have died that their ends live. Socrates died in the defence of the truth, and to prove that there is but one 30d, but whether he died for honor, applaufe, or for Gods fake, i think it is no hard thing to determine. But let thycaufe be good, thy call clear, thy fpirit meek,and thyend right, and then you (hall have peace in all your fufferings, that is the fifth thing. Choole fuffering rather then finning. Sixthly, Ifyou would have peace be much in fludying the Scripture, for as God is the God ofpeace, and Chrift thePrince of peace, fo the Gofpel is the Gofpel ofpeace, which God 'bath given theeto lead thee in the ways ofpeace. Great peace have they that love thy taws. Seventhly, Take heed of Apoflacy, either in &arine or prin- ciples. Though a Believer is freed from Apoffacy in the ftate of grace, yet he is not freed fromApoffacy in the degrees ofgrace. He may fall finfully, though he cannot fall finally. Dermas fell by one,Sr. Peter by the other. Pray with David Pfal. 17.5. Held upmy goings in thypath that my footfleps flip not. Eighthly,