222 Mr. MeciesVSermon. Eighthly, make the word ofGod your rule in all things, be fure you have a Scripture wavrant for all your praaifes. But e- fpecially keepdole to Scripture in matters ofGods woribip. There are endleffe dilcourfes about the Mode ofGods Worthip; I have no di fp; it i time. ft is good indifficult cafes, always to take the surest fide, (ror inflance) if I fol ow the Traditions of man, for the woiibip ()f God, I may fin, but if I keep clofe to the di- reecions ofGod in the Scripture, l am lure / cannot-fin.; for this 'stile lute word of Prophecy, to which you do well to take heed therefore in fuck a doubtful cafe, Gods will is, that we take the surest fide : go to the Law and to the Teflament labour to be fruitful and grounded Chriflians. Ninthly, Keep up the power ofgodlinefie, donot let Religion down into alifeleffe formality:The righteousfhallflouri.fh like a P lm tree : he fhali grow like a Cedar in Lebanon, thole that be planted in, tI37. ;mule ofthe Lord, Pall flourifh in the Courts ofour God,pfal. My Brethren, it is as much a duty in them that have grace to im- prove ir, as for them that have no grace for to get it. If you fit under the daily means, the daily waterings of God, and do not grow : do you think this will be peace in the latter end, furely no, ( -my Brethren, your fruitfulneffe under the Gofpel is ofvery great concernment. It is unfruitfulneffe that makes God lay his Vineyard waffe. It's unfruitfillneffe that procures the forwarding your account in the day ofGrace. Tenthly, Oblerve that excellent rule of the Apofile in ?NIA.. s. Finally, brethren, whatfoever things are true, whatfigver things are hond, whatfiever things are juft,whatfeever things are pure, whatfie- ver things are lovely, whatfoever thingsare ofgoodreport, if there be any vertue, and if there be any praife, think, on thole things. And now, my Brethren, /commend you to God and to the word of God, that is infinitely able tomake you wife to falvation, with this Benedi- &ion which I shall make my valedi &ion, Grace be unto you, and peace fromGod our Father, andfrom our LordJefus Chrift, Mr. Calany's