Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

At the Funeral ofMr. Afh 127 Indeed it is true Jefus Chria bath taken away the hurt ofdeath, but not death it fell; Jetus Chrta bath difarmed death, made death like the Viper that tafined upon Paul's band, but did not hurt him; he bath made it like the brazen ferpent that hath no fling but a healing power in it: Chrifi bath fanelified death, conquered and fweetned death ; at pretent we are all under the fiatute of death ;but at lift this Enemy 11141 be deftroyed, 2 Cor,t 5. latter end. z. The righteous confifi of perifhing principles as well as the uu- righteous ; the righteous are earthly veffels, made ofdull, I their foun- dation is in thedull; their lives ate a vapour as well as the lives of the unrighteous. 3. The righteous mull dye as well as others, becaufe they have a bndyof fin which they carry about with them; for there is no man fa wife, that lives and fins not, &clef: 7 10. Wherefore there is that which defervcs death in a righteous man. Lay, and erpecialy. The righteous mull perilh upon a peculiar ac- count; For ifwe have hope onely in this life (faith the Apotile) we areof all men *oft mtferable,and therefore they mull perifh tokeep them from perifhing; they mull fay as Them:110th,, erii.fem periifem; they muff die, that they may re(i from their labour : for here is not our reft, Micah 2. O. there remaneth a reit for the people of God; there is no tell in this World; the word lutes wants nhe plural Nu mber. 2. The righteous mull die that they may have their reward their Crown of glory, that God bath laid up for them ; they muff Aril fight the good fier:, and finifh their coutfe,and then they receive a Crown of gLry 3, They mull, die that they may be free from fin; for they fhall never put off the lo)dy offin, till they put off the body of the flefh. 4. Thy muff die, that mortality may be (wallowed up of life, that corruption may put on incorruption. 5. They mull die, that they may be perfe& in grace. Lafily, They mull die, that they may fee God face to face. and be for ever with the Lord, which they cannot do they die 5 therefore bleffed be God that the righteous mull perifh. If a man fhould al- ways live on earth, alwayes be young, rich and healthful, is would be unwelcome news; for while we are in the body, we are abrent frcrn the Lord, and tt,bjed to fin ; and therefore when Teter asked .Chi Ili what thould be done with John, Chrifl tells him, If I will _;that he tarry tilt / come, what's that to thee? from henceforth there went a le- port abroad that John fhould not die, Johnai. 3 a, Now the Apofi le G g him-