224 Mr. Calamy's Sermon. But here it may be objtaed ; Are not the or rghteous gathered by death as well as the righteous? I aniwer, it is true, the unrighteous are Centered in this life and ga- thc ed by Death as well as the righteous but, with a great deal ofdlr. ference. Firff the wicked are nattered in this life, but they a:e fcattered; from God ; but the Godly are fcattered for God and for a good confcience many times, as they at jorafalem were fcattered; The Godly are feat- tered for theglorious pretence of God in Heaven; but the wicked are fcattered from the gracious pretence of God on earth. Again the fcatter. ing ofche wicked is a curie to them, and it is threatned as a curie, Ltvit, 26. 32. I will lea:ter you among the heathen, and draw out my Cword after you: and wherever the wicked come, in what patt foever ofthe world the wicked a-re fcattered, they bring the curie of God with them: - and they bring the judgements ofGod on- Towns and Cities where they are as plagues famine, and fword, and all rniferies. But the gode ly, when they are fcattered, they are Ceattered as a bleffing into what Country or Town foe vet they come, they come as a bleillug, they come like a (hip laden with corn, to a Town ready-to perifh with famine: they come as a bleffing four wayes FUR, by their prayers, to pr ay down a bleffing on the place where they come. Secondly, they come as a blefling by their holy life and converfation that is a loadffone to draw others to holinefs. Thirdly, they come as a blefling, by their holy advice and counfel that they give to the place where they come. Nay fourthly, their very prefence is a bleffina r' ; as long as Lot was in Sodom, Sodom could not be defiroyed ; fo long as Paul was in the fhip, the three hundred could not be drowned. So that the godly come as a bleffing wherever they are fcattered ; but the wicked ate as chaffe fcattered by the wind, and they are Icattered as the dull of the earth ; You knowwhen the duff is lcattered, it gets into mens eyes and blinds them, and falls upon their cloaths and (tithes and defiles them ; fo tin wicked, wherever they are fcattered, they defile the place where they are fcattered. The godly are as planets, that wander and move from one part ofHeaven to another, carrying light to the world. Secondly, as the wicked are fcatered while they live, fo when they die, they are gathered; it is true; but how? not to God, and quill, and his Angels ; but they are gathered to the Devil, and his Angels and to damned fpiritsi not as bundles ofwheat into the barn of Heaven, bat