229 Calamrs Serfftett. mourn for making up of his Jewels? Let us mourn rube; that we ate lett fcattered among the wicked of the Earth and from the glorious prefence of God and Chrill , and let us mourn for thole that are fcac- tered from chriti, and from grace: and for ihc,fe that whilef?r ctey live are fcattered, and what they die, are gathered to the Devil and his Angels. Lec us nor mourn for thole that die in thrill, but let us mourn for thoie that live out of thrift let us not mourn over the bo- dy the foul bath left, but let us mourn over the foul that God bath left. The third the is ofConfolation to all the people of God in reference to evil times that are coming upon us, or to the evil of times. N,Vhat. ever befalls a child of God in this life, though he be Icaccered by wick- ed men, from England into Forraign countries, though he wanders up and down in Deiarts, and Wilderneges, thnugh he be fcatcered from houfe to prifon, yet there (hall be a gathering time fhortly ; there will a time come when all the Saints (hall be gathered to chriti, and to one another, never to part any more. The death of God's people is not a perifhirg, but a gathering: comfort your (elves therefore with thefe words againfi the fear of death : look upon death as a ga- thering, as a gathering to chrift : you are here as Daniel in the Lyons Den, as Jeremiah in the Dungeon ; yet there will come a gather- ineo and ifyou die in a good came, you (hall not perifh, but be gather- ed"to cheat, to his Saints and Angels. But you will fay, If I were fure when I dye, that I Amid be gathered to Chrift, to live for ever with him, this would be matter of great coviolation to me : but you told me, the wicked are gathered by death as well as thegodly : how (hall I knowwhether (when I come to dye I (hall begatherekto the Devil and his e/ingeh or to Cbrift 47d his .Angels? How,fhallI know whether I (hall be gatheredat death as a bundle of tares to be burnedin Hell, or a bundle of wheat to be carried up into the Barn of Heaven? I An1Wer You may know it by four things. Firfl, icyou are righteous, then you (hall be gathered to Chili death fo the righteous fhall go into everialling lifer Heaven is en- tailed upon righteous men; by righteoufnels I mean the imputed righte- oulhefs, and imparted righteouinels ofJefiis ChriII; 1 wave the explica- tion ofthem, becaufe time will not give leave. Know you not (faith the Apoflle that no unrighteous man fhall inherit the Kingdom ofGod? Damnation is entailed upon unrighteous men. Secondly, if you are merciful, the merciful man diall be gathered to