Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

"It the Funeral of Air. Afh. 23o chat : you are one that is full of bowels ofcompaffion to thed iaref- fed Members of jeflis Chrill, for Chrifl bath Paid it, Pieled are the merciful, for they sba/l obtain mercy. Now if you are hard- hearted, covetous, worldlyminded, remember that Text, He fballhave judge- ment withont mercy that jheros no merey. Thirdly, He that is gathered to the fecond Adam by faith in this world, {hall certainly be gathered unto Chain by vifion in the other world ; Chrift lefur will lave all his members, and you mutt know, that Faith is a trzniplanting grace, it is not onely a heart-purifying but a world-overcoming grace :it takes a man out of the old Adam, and puts him into a new Adam ; it takes a man out of the root of (Cat- tering, and puts him into the root of union and conjonaion : Where- foie you that are now joyned to Civil+ by Faith here, (hail be joyned to Chria in glory hereafter: But now you that are Vagabonds, Cains and Aliens from the life of God,and from the life of grace : You that are wooden Members, wooden Legs in Chrias body that have no real conjun&ion with Chrifi, you (hall not be gathered to him in- glory. Laity If you are gathered here to the Saints by love, then you (hall be gathered to the Saints in Heaven, and to the everlafiing enjoy- ment of God witlyhem to all Eternity. Confider this, every man (hail hi3 gathered (when he dies) to thole whom he delights, and chooleth to keep company with while he lives in this world. Ifyou are gathe- red to the wicked in love and affet-lion here, you (hail be gathered to them at death in hell and defiruaion, for its pity companions fhould be parted. Wheat muff to Wheat, and tares to cares, for wheat and tares fluid not be bound together at the lati day. The WI ufe is of Exhortation ; Ifthe righteous muff perilb, and if their death b: nothing but a gathering, then take this threefold Exhor- tation. Pali, Let us labour to make the bell ufe we can of our godly Friends and Minifiers before they are gathered; ice us do as d d; he was told that his Mailer Elijah was to be taken up to Heaven, and therefore he would never leave him till he had got the fpiric. of Elijah doubled upon him; ifelifha had not thought that Elijah would have been taken upthat day, he would never have followed him fo pun- tivally and inCeparably as he did. 0 beloved, did you believe that text, Zach. r. 5.. of which we have often had experience , Your fathers, where are they-,? and the Prophets, do they live for ever ? Indeed if they did live for ever, we might get good from. them when we pleafe, becaucc.we are fuze never to lore' them 11,