228 Mr. Calatny's sermon. but they live not for ever, but muff penal, and be taken up to Heaven: And therefore while(/ we have them, let us make what tale vve---can of them, before they be taken away fain us. It is a grea: fault among the people of God, that they make no more ufe of their godly Friends and Minifiers. I have known many that have godly Relations that have cited that it bath been the greater/ burthen on their conlciences, that they got no more good by thole godly Relations while they lived. Many ofus deal with our Minifiers as we do with a orange fight that is tobe leen neer our doors ; we are not fo much folicitous when we tee it; but a granger that comes from a far country, is curious, and very careful prefently to fee it ; So do we in thii city efpecially ; have had experience of by being here many ears ; grangers that come out of the Country, many times get that good by a Mtidiers that his own people do not, becaufe they think their Minifier is continually with theme But a granger knoWs he is there but for a day,and he hears fo, that he carries Chrifi home with him, and a great deal of con. eolation alfo. Beloved, this is a great fault ; 1 befeech you remember the righteous mull be gathered ; let us therefore do with them as wedo with Books that are borrOWed ; if a man borrows a Book he knows he mug keep it but for a day or two, and the efore he will be lure to read it over ; whereas if the Book be a man's own, he lays it afide, beeaufe he knows he can read it any time. Remember your Minifiers are but lent you, they are not your own, and you know not but God may take your Etijahra from you this night: Therefore make what ufe you can of them, while you have them.. Secondly, Mufi the righteous be taken away ? Then let the righteous make confciences of doing what good they can before they are taken a- way Beloved if it were poflible for the Godly to grieve in Heaven, this would be their greateg tOrrovv,that they have done God no more fer- vice here upon earth. Be wile for God 0 ye righteous, do as old men do that have rich places and offices, they labour to buy the reversion of their places for their children ; lb mutt you to whom God hath given gifts great a r arid graceslabeur to propagate your gifts and graces chat there may be no lots by your death,Obrelue the care or Sr. Paul the aged inhis exhortation toTimothy 2 Tim.1.55.Watch thou all thinpendure affitai- make full proofof thy c fri nniitry why S, do the work. of an Evangeltif lb? for .1 am nowready to be offered: and the time of my depar, tore is at band and therefore work thou, fee chat thou endure ailliaion, preach