234 Mr. Calatny's Sermon freely and clearly profefs, and that with a fad heart, that I, and many others have loft a real, wife, and godly friend, brother, and fellow-labourer in the Lord ; the Church hath loft an eminent member, and choice pillar ; and this City bath loft an ancient, faithful, and painful IN/Vnifter ; whoby his prayers and holy life, did' leek to keepofthe Judgments of God from falling upon us; fIc the Ids feelible thisCity is of the lofs,thegreater is the lots.' fear we may too truly repeat the words in the Text.The righteous perifheth, & no 'man !ayes it to heart: andmercifull men are taken away,none confide, ing that the righteous ars taken away from the evil to come: I have read ofPhilo the Jew, and by chance met with the fame in the life of Ft Ambrofe, that when they came to any City or Town, and heard of the deathof any godly nun, though never Co poor, they would both of them mourn exceedingly, becaufe of the great loffe that place had by the death of that godly man,becaufe it was a warning-piece fromGod of evil approaceing. But we have had many godly men, and godly Minifters, taken away of late, and yet I fear me, but few lay it to heart ; and therefore as I laid, the loffe is the greater to this City, beeaufe it is fo little fen- fible of it. It is a great loffe alto to his relations, his wife hath loft a dear and loving husband, his filter a dear brother, his pa- rift] and congregation a faithful paftour. The Minifterial exceirencies of many Minifters were Colletted and Concentred inone SiMeon Atli, he was a Bazaleel in Gods Tabernacle, a mailer Builder , an old Difeiple , a Polycarpe, a Chrifiian of long 'landing in the fchool of Chrtit, a burning and a fhining light, one whommany Miniflers and other good Chriflie ans called Father, it;fomuch that it was a commorcproverb in this City, Father efile ; and I believe, many experimentally lament o- ver him, as the King did over the Prophet Eitha, My Father, my Father, the chariots ofIfraell and horfenten thereof! For he lived Defired, and died lamented; not only- in the City, but I believe in very twiny places in the Country where he was known. But more particularly, there were Twelve Excellencies that I obfer- ved in this Reverend Minifler, and my dear brother, that merest Twelve Jewels or precious Pearls in that Crownwith whichGod hath Crowned him ; I (hall name them for your imitation and benefit ; He needs diem not, for he is aboveour Eulogy. The firft& chief Jewel that did beautifie 8t adorn this our bro- ther, was his fincerity and uprightneffe a heart ; which indeed is not a tingle Grace; but the foul of all Grace,and the interlineary that nit& run through all Grace; for what is faith if it be not unfained?