At the Funereal ofMr. Afh. 33 5 anfained ? what will love to God profit you if it benot without diffimulation ? what is repentance worth if it be not in truth ? as the body without the foul is a rotten carkaffe, fo is all grace with- out fincerity ; this is the foul of all Grace, this is the :girdle of truth. Sincerity is that which girts all our fpiritual Armour to- gether, and makes them ufeful : what advantage is it to have the breaft-plate of Righteoufnefs, the (Meld of Faith, the Helmet of Hope, if they be but painted things ? it is the girdle of fincerity that makes all other parts ofour armour ufeful. Now this excel- lent Grace of fineerity was eminent in this our dear brother : he was a true Nathaniel, in whom there was no guile; I mean, no allowed hypocriiie; and this was that which carried him through the pangs of death with a great deal of comfort ; for he was able to fay with Hezekiah, Remember, 0Lord, how Ibane walled before the in truth, and with a perfec7 heart. He could fay with Paul this is my rejoycing,tbe teftimony of my confcience, that in fi laplicity andgodly farrow, Ihave had my converfatum in this world. Secondly, Another Jewel was his humility, this is a grace that- he was cloathed withal, and it is a rate Grace; fOr God dwells with the humble ; he refifis the proud., but he gives grace to the humble. This Reverend Minifter wad low in his own Eyes, and thereforevery high in Gods Eyes ; he had a mean diens of him- felf,- and therefore he was high in efteem with God. Hewas as Jacob laid of himfelf, leffe then the leaft of God's mercies. He -aitas like an ear ofCorn full ofFruit, bowiog down in thankful- nth toGod. Thirdly, Another Jewel was the Fruitfulnefs of his difeourfe for it may be laid ofhiru, as it was of Chrift, he went about doing good : where ever he went, he featured his goodnefs : this all that knew him, know to be true. He was full ofgood difeourfe where ever he came ; whcn I was with him in his fickneffe, he took occafion to complaine much, and not without juft caufe ; {God grant his complaint may make impreffion upon our hearts) he complained that it was a great fault of Minilters, that when they met together, they difcourfed no more of Cluj% of Heaven, and of the concernments of the other World, and profeffed that if God flaould reflore him he would be more careful in his dila courfe, and more fruitful then ever yet he had been. Fourthly, Another Jewei that beautified this righteoth man, was his mercifulnefs ; he was a merciful man, which he manifea fled not only in his Charity to the Members ofJefus Chriftabut in his frequent vifiting of Sick perfons, and percons that needed his H h 2 fpiri-