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236 Mr. niy Serffion fpiritual Phyfick. I know not any Minifter in the City nioretare- ful in vifiting the fickifien he was. Fifthlf, Another lewd was his prudence and fpiritual wife- dome ; . he was not onely a pious and godly, but a wife and pru- dent Minifter; that had zeale for God, but knew how to mingle his zeal with difcretion; difcretion indeed without zeal isnothing but carnal policy; but zeal without diferetion, is nothing but frantick fury; difcretion without zeale will quickly. eat out the heart of Religion, and eat Religion out of the heart. Zeal with- out difcretion, is not a coal from the Altar, but a coal kindled by the Wild-6re of pallion; that is able to let a Nation on fire ; but this R.everand Minifter had zeale fweetly tempered with difere- tion. Sixthly. Another Jewel was his patience ; God was pleafed to exereife hint with long and great affliaions by reafon of the Gout, that did often, efpeciallyof late years affix him to his bed, and affliahimwith great pain ; but God was pleafed to put his ever- letting Arms underneath !dn, luppertinghim under all his pains; and giving him-a great meafure of patience, infora tact) that in pa- tiencehe did poffeffe his foul; and patience had its perfe* Work in him The Sever-it'll Jewel was hie high Valuation of jefus Chrift; a written copy for us to follow, and for you his people alfo. Being with him in his Jail ficknefs, he exhorted me and other Minifters with him, to preach much of jefus Chrift, and to fpcak to him oi Jefus ; and he flid, When I confider :my beg duties, Ifink, I dye, I delpair, but when I think of Chrift, I have enough, he is all, and in all. I think thefe were his very words. I defire (laid he) to know nothing but jefus CbriJi and hint crucified : 1 account all things dung and drofs, that I any be found in Christ ; To this elle& he fpake in the morning before the evening in which he died, (peak- ing much of jefits Chrift. Eightly, Another Jewel was his diligence in preaching the Gof- pel in feafon and out of feafon ; in the time of his health he was a painful, laborious Preacher; one that did not preach to tickle the car, but to wound the heart; not to pleafe, but to prof ; not fecking the applaufe ofthe people, but the falvation oftheir fouls : This all know to be true. Ninthly, Another Jewel that did beautifie and adorn this Re- verendMinifter, was his excellent gift in Prayer ; and herein he was very eminent, and did exceed many, nay I may fay moAof his Brethren Ake/polls was mighty in the. Scriptures, fo was he (as