At the Funerdll ofMr. Mb. (asyou all know) mighty in prayer ; he a Jacob' very skilful inwreftling with God,likeeMofts he often flood in the gap, and at molt Faits all the timeof his health, he was the Minifter that was chofen to conclude with prayer;and this heightens the lofs that we Main by the death ofthis godly Minifter, becaufe we have loll- the benefit ofhisprayers, which is an invaluable lois: for though I doubt not but he prayes in &leaven for the Church in general, yet I believe he prayes not for any in particular; as not knowing what our condition is, For Abraham know us not, for the Saints in Heaven knows not what is done upon earth, The lofs therefore is the greater, becaufe we have lot}not onely a preaching, but a praying Minfler;And give me leave to add,that this excellency its this Minty cr)is fufficient to prove. z.That there is a gift of prayer whichCome againft all reafon do deny. 2. That conceived pray-. ers when uttered by one that path the gift ofprayer, are not vain Tantslogies, or emptie repetitions, and a rate ofnon-fence,as Come unjtifilie charge men with, but they are breathings of God's Spi- rit, that pierce not onlie into the ears and hearts of hearers, but into the ears and heart ofhintfelf. Tenthly, The next Jewel was, he bad great acquaintance and communion with God; for he was ofa long flanding in the fchool ofChrift, and a good proficient in that fchool. Much acquain tance he had with God, he was often in the Mount with God,and came down with his face fhinin,g, though he in hismodefly did not fee it and-when he came to die he was able to fay as Dr. Pre, fion did when he lay a dying, I will change my place:, but not my company; Eleveathly, another Jewel was, his comfortable paffige out of this world+dying with a great deal of calmnefs and fertility upon his confcience.The morning beforehe died, I heard him fay tilde words, It is one thing tofpeakofChriji,and of Heaven, and another thing to feel the confolationof Chrift andofHeaven, as I doe, clap- ping his hand on his bruit. Another time I heard him-fay, The comforts ofa holy life are real, fupporting; and that he felt the ra. rity of thole .comforts, and that by him we might know it was not in vain to ferve God. I cannot forget this fpeech themorning.before he died,/ am a littlejlraitned: but I core no morefor my life then I de for this gap. That which was Paid ofgood old Simton, Luke may be faidofthis reverend Minifler, MrSimeenAgle,, who was a Simeon,A juft and ,devout man,an old fervant of JensChrist, one that waited for the confolation of Ifrael ; one that died, though not with Chilli in his bddily arms, yet withChrift in the arms of hi3