Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

238 Mr.Calamy's Sernsom his Faith: and when hedietl,could fay as it is there, Nov Lord,let- telt thou thy fervant depart in peacedor mine eyes havefeen thy fal. vottion. Lailly,another jewel was his conilaneyand perfevera nee ; he was not a Reed lhaken with every wind, but as firm as a ftock,an immovable pillar in Gods houfe ; he was unchangeable in chang.. alo!e times ; in R eligion he was a houfe built on a Rock; not on the Sand; and as he livedfo he died holily, , even as the ancient Pa- triarks that died in the Faith , and endured faithfully unto the death, Now this excellent Milliliter of Chriii thus beautified with there jewels,is now perilhed as to his outward man, gathered to God, to Chrift,and the bleffed company of Saints and Angels. The Ap- plication that I (hall make of this difcourfe,is this I. To us Minifters. 2. To you of this Pariah and Congregation: Firft,to us Minifters. God ha th of late years taken to himfelfe many famous men: Seven of the Lc&urcrs ofCorithil/ are dead, Mr, Burroughs, Dr. Bolton.: Mr.Sedgewicke, Mr.Whitaker,Mr.Cran- ford, Mr.Vines, and now Mr.112e. might name many other ex- cellent Mini iicrs that are dead, as Dr.Gouge,Mr.Wolker,Mr.Gata- ker,Mr.Marfhall, Mr.Robinfon, and Mr.Cooke, with many more, Now all aide are Warning-pieces from Heaven of judgements approaching: For the righteous perish, and no man lays it to heart ;' and mercifull men are taken away,none confideriag that the righte- ous are taken away from the evil to come. ThuS Metbufelab in He- , brew fignifies a Meffenger of death. Thus Auflin died a little be- fore Hippo was taken, and Pfireus a little before Hiddleburgh was taken, and Luther a little before the wars inGermany began,The death of the godly is like the feparating of the Ifraclites from the tents of Carah and his company, like the taking ofLot out of S6- dome. When the liraelites departed from Carob and his company, the earth (wallowed them up ; and when Lot departed out ofSo- dome God rained down fire and Brimlfone upon them. Let the thoughts of there things cattle us to provideour Arks, to get our Boar's. Let it teach young Samuels to rife up in the room of old E0,1-oung Elifbas in the room ofold Elijahs and young Thies in the room ofFetid the aged ; that there may be a fucceffion ofGot-1)cl- Minillers to hold forth the Word of life to tht Nation: And let us labour to be inheritours of thele twelve Excellencies, that beautifle this our Reverend brother. Secondly;let me fpeak a few words to youof this Pariih,theAudi ;Ors