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at the FunerallofMr. Afhc 249 tors of this worthy Miniller There is fcerce one man ofa hundred, that underitand the eye and obligation that is betwixt a Minifter and his people. 0 the love and affeaion that ought-to be betwixt them ! Paul tels the Galathians, that they could a phickt out their eyes for him if need were. Chryfogorne eels us, that when Miletius was taken away by death from his people their hearts fitnk wide forrow: and fuell love had they to him, that they called all their children by his name, and got his piattre engraven on their Rings. And I have read ofCbryfeloree , that when he was bani- fhed from his people there was not a corner in the City but was full of_pe: yle weeping and lamenting. The lots of a godly Mini- fteriia eublick loft', and therefore there ought to be publieke mourning: it is a foul-lofs, and therefore, methinks, every one of you fhould weep and mourn ; you have loft your common father; you of this Congregation have loft your fpiritual father, your fpiritual fltepheard ; you have loft yoee eyes,your guide: and in- deed it is you that are his flock that mull commend your Miniller ba praaifing that which he preached; Paid the Apeftle, 2 Cor.3.r. Do we again begin to commend ourfelvet ,or need we as fame others, Epijiles of commendations fromyou ? Tea are our Epifile written in our hearts , .known and read of oilmen. As if the Apoftle thoula lay,doe we need lettersof commendation ? is it necefFary that we fhotild fried time in commending our Minifterie; you are our Letters ef commendation: eour holinefs and pietie commends a Minifler above all other things. As when a man comes into an Orchard or Vineyard, (aid Chryfortokne,and fees every thing fully handied.and neatly trimmed , he need nos fieend time in commending the Vine- dreffer or Carpenter,t he work it fell cone. mends them. So ought it to be among you: When we preach the Funeral Sermons of Miniliers , we mull look into this Parifhor .Congregation, and fee what Letters of commendation there are : whether the proficiency of the Auditors commend their Mini- fters. I grant it is not alwaies true ; God doth not alwaies give face eels to a godly Miniftere but the worn is ours , I had almoll laid the curie is yours : but I wil (peak. modally , the worft is youre. Tell me how many of you are able to fay, I blefs God that ever titch a Minitter was fent among us, bleffed be God that ever we heard him preach: what kale of his Miniftrie is there here among you? he was in another and aeother plece in thisCite , it may be here are people frem all places that have been his. Auditors, what feel of his Miniftry is there found among you? howmany, fouls bath