Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

24.0 1t..Cal3ni*.'s Sermon- loath tie placid out of the (hares of thedivel ? howmany of you' have gone weeping away from a Sermon, knocking your breafts and pricked at the hearts for fin, crying out Men and Brethren what we doe to be faved ? your tears and mourning for fin, thefe are your Auditors that commendyour ,Minifters. Go home now and think with your feives. What can I remember of all- theSermons that I have heard fromMr. " .1 and give me leave to tell you, woe be to you, if as your Minifter be dead, fo all the Sermons that he made die with him : Fora as Abe!l being dead, yet fpeaketh ; fa {hall the Sermons of this worthy Mtnifter at the great day;, fpeak for you, or againfi you ; for they are 'fpiritual- talents that Uod lath betrufledyou with,and youmuff be accoun- table ; both he and you (hall appear before the Tribunal of Gad: your Minifter (hall be examined, how he can free himfelffrom the guilt of foul-bloud ; and you (hall be examined, what fruit you have brought forth, anfwerable to the means that you have'en- joyed : and if it appear that you have been unprofitable and un- profitable and unfruitful hearers, Chrift will fay,Celt tbsansprafi- table fervant into utter darkitefs. But I hope better things ofyou, and things that accompany falvation. Whatever was good in this Reverend Minifter, let it live in you ; and though he bedead, yet let not his Sermons that he preacheddie with you, but let them be in you : that at the great day, when he andyou appear before God, Here am I, and the Children that thou haft given me. Decor