241 Si?' Sfa *Si444444- Sfa 44*F3 Do&or SEAMANSFarwel Sermon. HE B. 13. 20, 21. Now the God of Peace, that brought again from the Dead our Lord jefus that great Shepherd of the Sheep, through the Bleed of the Everlatiing Covenant, makeyouperfat in every good work to do his will, work:mg in you that which is well-pleafing in his fight, through jefits Chrift, to whom be glory, for ever,and ever, Amen. T, He Apale being now upon the conclufionof this Epillle, after a very large difcoverieof Jefus Chrifi, in all thole things that belong to his Perron ; concerning his Nature, asGod, -a; Man, and concerning his Offices, cfpeciallie concerning his Priefily ; and concerning the blctlings and bene- fits, cfpecial lie in the matter ofSacrifice, doth in his Taft Chapter, infift on matters Hortatory ; and in the Words, draws near to a conchifion, which contains a Prayer, with, or defire,i!hichhe puts up unto God, in the behalf of them, in ordcr to their good and benefit. Now the 6ofl of peace that brought again, &c. In which words, considered by theinfelvei,there are two things confiderable. Op The ;natter of the Apofile's Prayer. (2) The grounds which he doth infinuate for Audience. in the things he defines; the Matter of the prayer is laid down in the 21. v. and is flaw-tinily and generally propounded in fe- veral cxpreffions ; yet neverthelefs fo as they have their Sp - cialities belonging to them. In the beginning, he thews what he aimes at , make you perfeeI, &c. In generall , it referrs to their Sandi station, that they might be di roughly fanaified, as to their inward man, and outward Converfation,as to thole things that belong to them, in the Habits of their minds, and .external Carriage. The grounds which the A pale ufes, by Way ofinfinuation for Audience, _ire contained in the words of the Moth verfe 5. where- Ii in