242' Dolor Sefttnan in we have a very large Difcription of the Perron prayed unto ; The God of peace that brought again front the Dead oqr Lord Jefuc, &c. delcribes him under Ctich Notes and Marks, as terve much for inlargement and inforcement, in matter ofhis Prayer. But here a Queftion may arife 5 Seeing Grace is the thing the Apoltle here detires, and 'tis trCual with holy men, both under the OM and Nor Tcjiament, toehoofe out filch Attributes, as Rite moll with their particular occalii ns, and are molt agreeable to thole requefts they have, why he cloth not apply hitufelf to God, as the Goolof all grace : but rather, the God ofpeace ? Therein, fiat, the Apotile teems to make ufe °idle fame liber- ty, which belongs to holy men. As there is, in the general, a Liberty left to God's people from hinfelf: Paul in this place makes Tile of that liberty he had, as to the manner of prayer; tr- fing filch a difcription of God, as fetemed good to him at the pre- fent, But fecondly;f he be the God of peace, it follows, he is the Codofgrace. If God bath glorified hi nifelf do fir among the He- brews, as to reconcile them to hitnie!f, by the bloud of Chria, then there is no gut-Anon God will proceed further ; and having provided for thole things, which appertaine to their Yulfification, no Tuition but he will for thole things that are neceffary to their Santlification. Therzfore, the ApAlle argues plainly from yulii- ficition to Sanjiification : he thatjufiifies his people through the blondof Chril faniiifie you by thefpirit of Chrifi ; make youper- fem to do his wit, working in you that which is well pleating in his fight, Sec. fo &fires, we Could be finEtified, on the confideratiots of our faeification.; having provided for 7utlification, by the blood of Cbriff, follows fanClification by the fpirit of Chrig,. 7bef.5.23. And the very Godof peace faxVifie you wholly, &c. That God who is all y'd to you, the God ofpeace, and hath provided for 1,:ou peace. I defire that he would further providefanliifleation : for fanOifleation is nothing elfe,but the eeec of that Grace,which is procured for Believers, through the blond of Chrift. There is no accefs to God, forfaxthficationof our Natures, until we pre- vail with him for the ,unification of our perfans ; and he firil thews bimfelf to he a God ofpeace , by way of juilification, before a God ofgrace, by way of fanllification. But, to proceed, Fiat, For thedifcription of the Perfon ; wherein take notice of hire. (i) By one of his Attributes. (i) By one ofhis fpecial Works, whereby he huh manife- fied that Attribute. (I)