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Fitreweil Sereoirag. 243 (I) The Attribute ofGod, is imply'd under thole words; that be is called the God of peace. The gracious Gcd that provides for Reconciliation between himfelf and 'inners ; that finds out way es and means to winne thofe who are by Nature Children of Wrath, robe the Children ofGod. There is no peace, but God is Author of, whether natural!peace, or civil' peace, or political! peace, lie is pleated to provide for them ; but there is a tranfcen- dent kind ofpeace, which cloth with a peculiaritybelong to Gods 'people, 1. e. Spiritual peace between God and Sinners, and that inwardpeace that we enjo,-, if our Confcience bath been troubled with terrors of fin, wrath, &c. Peace belongs fo toGod, as none of the Creatures can have any glory of it, (Pfa/.4.7.) This Peace, is God's peace : none can effe& it, or devile it, but God ; and with refpeec to thi5, he is more e,fpecially called the God of peace becatife he !lath found out a way to make Reconciliation be- tween God and his finful perningCreatures, 2 Cer.5.19. Ephef 2. i4. 8tc. Col. 143; (2) There is a fpecial Work. of God attributed to him, that the ApoIlle takes intoconideration, i.e. That he {brought agaim from the dead our Lord Jefws,that great filepberd of the pep,througb the blood ofthe everlafibig Covenant] wherein we have many woadg, andevery word its weight ; and we (hall fearce be able to weigh every one fa, as to take the full fenfe and canphafis of them. In the words, there is, (r) Something (2) Something exprefs'd (i) Something innily'd; namely, That tbe Lard Jefus Chriff was foinetinies in the fate of Death 1 and that being in the /fate of the dead, it was not any ordinarypower, way, or means could ran- ferx He was in the "tate and condition of the Dead ; he was for a while, under the Power and dominion of Death ; his body, for the fpace of three day's, lay in the Grave, and in that fenfe he was under the Dominion of Death, as all dead men are. The great fhephercl of t14'-fheep could of have big owl life, in 'bine fenCe Hi° interefi he bairnGod, byvertue of his Sonfhip, or a- ny of his Officer; could lave him from death, though the Sonne of of God, and Head of the Church ; and, Ch riff looked upon it fo far from-being bcloaf him, as he thought it neeefFary for him,and it was his glory, Job io.11 12. I am the good Shefrb;rd; the good fkepherdgiveth his life for the [beep ; but he that is an Hireling, aid not the 11.fepi,erci, whofe own the tk.eep are not, feetb the Wolfe.- coming,-and leaveth the.rneep, an,i.fleeth, Hireliugs, they have 1 i 2 no