246 Decor Seamatiet, -f it's Epithets ; Called here Ever !ailing Covettant.;::There.vias Temporal covenant God made with the people of /fined, and that', was sealed and confirmed by the blondof Bullocks,&c.areitOok trot on him this Covenant, he did not bind men to flared by thofe terms contained in the Covenant; for indeed, Chrift came to make it void. There is an Eternal Covenannand that is nothing elle but Ciole terms of grace and favour, which are propofed to us in the Do&rinc of the Golpel, which amounts to this, Who e- ver repents fhall be faved ; He that repents, and forfekes his finne than find mercy ; and that he will be merciful toall on thefe con- ditions in all parts of the World ; for thefe terms God will not repent of If men repent, they fhall have the benefit of it, and whoever believes (hall be fasted. 'Tis called [Everlafling] becaufe God will abide by it, both here and hereafter ; the elates of all fhall be determined, according to the terms of this Covenant. NowChtift flied his bloud to procure thofc terms contained in that Covenant ; for the cafe ofpoor (inners was fo miferable; that they could never come to have all their fins pardoned, and their fouls certainly Caved, tinlers Chrift had dyed and filed his blond, and fo to fatisfie Gods j itflicee that it might Ire.free for him to be merciful, where he would be merciful. The Covenant is foun- r'ed in the blond of jtfusChrift, that blond being the bloodof the Ever/offingCcvenant ; therefore the Apoffle fo magnifies it, ofall the great and Gofpel-bleflings that belong to the New Teflament, to the Condition of a Child of God, there is not any one like unto this, The bleud of theEverlajting. Covenant; they that come to this, and have the benefit of this, they than be furely juflified, and eternally faved in the vertue of this bloud. In the bulinefre of being laved by Faith, it contributes nothing more, but as 'cis an Infirument to bring us to be made partakers of the benefit of this blow! : we are laved not by the venueof our ;elieving but by the venueofbis blow/ ; fo that, 'tis not fo much the aft, as the o.kje5 of Faith, that raves. Chrift role in the venue of his and all our Comforts and Hopes are founded in his bloud. The blond of ( hriii was of fo niuch value with God, as that he will raife him from the dead, and 'tis of fo much venue to us, that through it we fhall have juflification, fanEtifieation and falvation. God being fo Lood and gracious a God to Jefits Chrift, and his Church ; hcreripoti the Ap, ftle imboldens himlelf to defire this' further ramireilaiicm of his love, that where he hath fo bounti- fully provided for the jullification offinners through the blondof Ch rife that he would provide for their fanecification by his fpirit. Hence, oblerve. (I)