Farewelsermon. 141 (i) God is, with force fingularity, thokod ofpeace. (2) To the end that God might Phew hirnfelr to be the God of ?eve, he hath provided an all fufficient Saviour for his peop'.e, here called the Great .thepherd of the flock; and God being of a gracious difpolition towards them, provides to that end Chrift ihall take the care of them, and of all thole things that pertains to their Eternal welfare. (3) It was expedient this l'erfon fhould dye, though the great Aspberd ; Nay it was neeegary, that it might be fo much more verified and minifefted, that he was the Great Shepherd of the fheep, that he fhould lay dawn his life for the flock. (4) It was ncceffary that Chria fhould be railed from the Dead, as that he fhould dye. Therefore his continuance was but aTemporary, nay, a Momentary time to him. Now Chriffie_ri- fen, yea, all power in Heaven and Earth is committed to'him ; and if he was able to doe any thing for his people before, much more.. now. (5) The Refurre&ion ofChrift doth arife partly from the Te- flour of the Covenant God made with nun, and partly from the vertue and benefit that was in the blond of Chrift. God put himfelf into a Covenant, aria was mediator of it, and iii vertue of that Covenant, (inners muff be fa ved ; but the Savi- otir mutt firft Cave hirnfell, raife himfilffrom the dead, and then bath all power committed to his hand, &c. There are two things, that I would have you further obferve and carry awAy. (i) That Chrift is indeed the only great .thepherd of the Pep. Whatfoever others there are, they make to his own inte reit, who- foever there be that may poliibly indite thenifelves under his name and notion, yet this is undeniable, that Chrift is the onely great Shepherd of the fheep ; therefore in the concernment' of the Church there is none Chriftians fhould honour, as Chrift : and whofe voice they ought to hear before his, or by whom they thould be Ruled and Governed but by him. If Chrift be the great Shepherd, then the Church, muff hearr his voice,for my fheep hear my voice, &c. And if he be the great Shepherd then the Church muff be Ruledby himfor the Shepherd muff have the or- deringof the flock, and the flock mina be at the difpofal of the Shepherd and then Thirdly, The flock of Chria mull be care- ful to plate him, (for ear he let his Dog upon them) that we pro- voke him not to exercife his.correaingpower. He bath his Rod of Difcipline (as well as his Stifle and Crook) which is tobe per formed by others as Items good to him, fcr he bath manv wages to