Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

248 Doctor Seaman, to let loofe the Devil on his own Children. Satanhad a define to afflift Yob, and God gave way to it,&c. The Church of God,is Gods Spare. and there is a great deal of love between the kluf- band and Wife, betwen Chritt and the Church : , Yet Pfal. 4. 5. this fhe is fo folemnlycharged withal. God bath made Chrift a head to hisChurch therefore his Church mull be Ruled by atilt; and 'tia-rOt for the Church to faa,The inferiour fhepherds would order me thus and thus, we mull in the mean while lay,but what cloth Chrill fay in fuck cafes? Iris not for the Church to go afide by theflocks of his companions, (Cant, 1. 7.) The Companions of Chrili pretend to be Shepherds ofthe fheep as well as he, but have not that power Chriii had : they,.have their Societies, and would have the ordering ofthem ; but the Church defires to knowwhere fhe may hold communion with Chrill, that the may not turn abide by the flocks of his companions. There is many Difputations a- mow, inferiour thepherds, but this is out of all difpure, that Chriff is the greatIbepherd of the Ace?. That great man at Rome never pretended higher, than to be the Vicar of Chrift, and Sue- ceiror of Peter 5 nowwe know, that the principall is much more to be regarded than this Vicar ; therefore if. Chrift he the great fhepberd,fitrely the [beep of Chrift mull hear his voice before all other thephercis, fpecially fince Chritt hash fpoken fo fignally in the cafe, Myfheep hear my voice, and they follow-me, a firanger wig they not follow, for they know not the voice of grangers. And God having fo folemn1/ commanded, (Math.i7.9.) This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleafed, bearye him. The great fhep- herd mutt be heard before all little fhepherds.The little thepherda have their divition, 411.20. 29. After my departurelballgrievous Wolves enter in among you, not !paring the fleck, alto ofyour own folves fhall men 'wife fpeoking perverfe things, to draw away difci- ?les after them. True thepherais are alwaies careful to make Dif- ciples for Chrift , and to bring all Difciples to Chrift ; All John's work was to make Dijciptes to himfelf, but to make over all his difcipies unto Chrill If any man will gather, he mull gather for (Thrift, tilt hinafelf; others would drawmen unto any matter or manner of Do&rine, Government, et-c. But our eye mull be upon Chrift, and our ear open to his voice; and our hearts awed with his will and mind in.Scripture, made known to his Church ; And they love not Chrift as they ought, that &fire not to hear his *nice before any others in the world, for he is the great fhtp- bord ot the fheep. 2. Though he be the great` heiheoird of the Pep, yet he dyed; and